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I transferred my coral beauty into my reef tank and he has been hanging low with what looks like the clear lens of his eye popping out? We acclimated him slowly, and he received a bit of grief from the other inhabitants (Purple Tang mostly) but for the most part everyone leaves him alone. Any idea what is going on with his eyes?

Oh yeah tank parameters are "normal" i.e. PH=8.3 Nitrates 2.5 Calcium 490ish etc etc



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^ I know you all have infinite wisdom/insight to this

Super Len

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The condition you've described is commonly referred to as pop eye. Pop eye is most often associated with trauma or severe stress. Moving your fish from one tank to the other, for instance, is stressful. Your Purple Tang may have effected trauma on your angelfish during one of their past engagements, or the trauma could have been self-induced by it accidently scratching it's eye against the rocks (maybe in flight of the Tang). Rapid changes in chemistry (especially pH) can also produce this type of condition, although you mentioned you acclimated him slowly.

If trauma or stress are the culprits (and they usually are), the fish will cure itself in a few weeks once it's become comfortable with its surroundings. Feed it well, and guard it from further stress. Remove the Tang if need be until the injury has healed itself.

There is the rarer possibility of a bacterial infection. In this case, you should remove the fish into a qt tank and administer a wide array of antibiotics. A combination of saltwater myacin 1 and 2 (gram positive and negative) would be my first prescription. Because infection is far less common, I recommend you perform medication only after you've given time for your angel to heal on its own first. If it problem persists after 2 weeks (without stress, that is), or gets progressively worse each day, it may be bacterial.

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Leonard v2.01b ]</p>

Minh Nguyen

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If your tank condition is good, and the other fish don't harass him too much, the eye will heal normalize. Rarely, the pop-eye pops out permanently. The fish may or may not be able to use the eye if this is the case.
Bottom line: Take good care of the tank and fish and hope for the best. If you can quarantine and can catch the fish, consider taking him our and treat him with antibiotic.


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FWIW, I came home the other day to find that my cherub angel had one eye popping out. Since there is not a snowball's chance in hell of catching the little guy in my 155g, I left him alone. It stayed swollen for a day or two and has gradually been going down. I haven't seen any sign of infection or anything, and I expect him to make a full recovery. It's a really gruesome site to see the eye all bulging out like that though!


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I also have a Coral Beauty in my 90G, and funny enough the only fish that gives him any problems is my Purple Tang, which will chase him around occassionaly. It is odd that we both have the same occurences in our tanks, however the chases never get violent, and he does not get injured.


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Hey thanks for the insight, I'll keep an eye on it for the next week or so...as it is a little too tough to catch in my 120 gallon tank to put into iso.


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Looks like I came to the board at the right time. I have had a Coral Beauty in with an Arc Eye for about 6 months without concern. Just recently the coral Beauty has been hiding out and I thought one eye looked strange. Now I know why. Hopefully it's not bacterial. She's always been in control of the tank, but maybe things have changed. I'll have to keep a close watch. To those that posted, thanks for the info!


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From what I know, purple tangs can have a nasty disposition, esp. towards anything looking like another purple tang. My guess is that either stress from fighting, or an actual injury to the area around the eye caused this. You may need to seperate these two and think about a different tang or a different dwrf/centropyge that doesn't have the same color patterns.


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Just to let everyone know who may do a search for this later or something.

My cherub that I refered to in the post above has completly healed, I did nothing, since I couldn't catch him. I'm not saying pop eye will always heal on it's own, but if the fish was healthy to begin with, it's something to keep in mind.

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