Hi everyone, i recently started a 10 gallon reef tank. I have 2x36 pc in there. one 6500k and one actinic with one no 15w actinic. i have a skimmer, 10lbs of liverock, 2 damsles, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, 1 emerald crab, and blue mushrooms. i do water changes every week, and ammonia and nitrite are 0 with nitrate at 10. only thing is i don't have a phosphate test kit, so i don't know if i have phosphates or not, but i use ro/di water, so i don't think that is a problem. the thing is i have hair algae all over my rocks. i've had the tank for 8 weeks now, and was wondering is the hair algae part of the maturation process and will go away, or is there something wrong with the water? i feed very little, and the thing is i can start to see areas where my emerald crab is eating the algae, but i've only had him for a week and don't know if he can keep up with the growth. should i just go in there and manually remove it or should i wait a little while longer to see if the algae goes away?