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I have a 230 gal. FOWLR in the midst of an aiptasia explosion. My LFS and I think D&S recommended a raccoon butterfly.

I introduced one last week -- an adult or young adult about four inches long -- and the first thing he did, after about three seconds in the tank, is nail one of those little jerks. Since then he has been crusing the rock and glass, pretty much eliminating any aiptasia less than a half inch in diameter (total size, I'm talking the really tiny ones). Just this morning I saw him for the first time take a pick at a larger one, probably two inches diameter total.

It does seem to take out a lot of very small feather dusters as well, but I have a bunch of medium-sized ones and four big ones that seem untouched. Likewise, I see no predation on snails or hermits so far. There are no corals or clams of any kind in this tank, so I do not know how those would fare. Hope this info is useful.



I should also mention the tank holds a growing lionfish, so shrimp were not an option.

As an update, the butterfly is doing well and moving now to the larger aiptasia. This fish has a lot of personality, is supposed to be hardy, eats almost anything else I throw in, and is always visible and active. Keep your fingers crossed, but things seem to be going according to my master plan ...


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