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Depends on the type of corals. I let my pulsig Pom Pom Xenias have full contact with almost any of my corals,except they don't like the favia and I haven't tried them next to an elegance. The xenias can make contact with 2 acroporas that couldn't touch each other, allowing a very colorful full look by placing the xenia between the acroporas. My trumpet and candal arbor gorgonian made conastant swaying light conact all the time and seemed to do well untill the gorgonian tipped over onto the gorgonian and applied a little pressure - then both were killed back an inch from that contact. My favia puts out short sweepers about 3/4 of an inch most nights but sometimes decides to reach out and touch someone and puts out 8 inch long sweepers and he can do some damage and the long sweepers only come out after the lights have been out for a while. So check your tank an hour or 2 after the lights go out. I've only seen the 8 inch sweepers a few times usually his sweepers are much shorter frequently see 2 inch sweepers but usually they are about 3/4 inches long, so check more than once.
Some of the corals also release chemicals but you'd need to check with someone else on that issue. Goniporas if they can sway out and touch a coral can do some real damage.
Also be aware if your water currents are changing as to where the sweepers may be at any one moment. Hope this helps a little.


I have seen quite a few nice pics on the net of various reef tanks. The most beautiful ones are obviously slap full of coral. With so many coral being aggressive toward each other, how is this possible? I particular like the LPS, but from what I have learned, they are some of the most aggressive. I understand certain types of these-ie: galaxy coral, have sweeper tentacles and should be watched carefully, but what about those aggressive coral that do not have such sweeper tentacles? How close is too close when placing them near other coral? Obviously you wouldn't place them so that they actually touch one another, but what is a general safe distance? 2-3 inches, or much more?

Central FL

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