Not trying to be argumentative, but a grouper and a puffer are reef fishes? Actually any fish can be a reef fish, but some are not good choices for the reef tank since they would nip or eat some corals.
So sorry for voting for a fish that is not a "reef" fish.
I would have to say my schoal of anthis. I have the lyre-tail. I have a Male and 2 females. Very cool fish.
Square back anthis are really cool to but sometimes they can be hard to keep. They are availble sometimes but they are a little difficult at times atleast in my experience.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ranger:
[QBHey Dave hows it going? Haven't seen you around for a while.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hey Ranger
I have been posting a little in some topics in the reefkeeping and some in the sump.
I have been doing one of your job skills as much as possible lately, Scuba. Of course I do not get those sweet rebreathers your accustomed to.
Dived last weekend and the from sealevel to 25 foot was stinging plankton. Now I am getting over both ears infected, had to cancell two dives off Tampa tommorow but I would rather not push it and blow out an ear drum. Soon the water will cool and kill of the nasty's but then again it will be colder. Damn is there nothing in live that you cannot have your cake and eat it to?
In my opinion, it's the Maroon Clown. Of course, I may be partial to mine. I have never seen another with his color sceme in stores or books. I think he is the most beautiful fish I have ever seen.