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Has anyone had any experience with the company that sells these (website: http://www.seaslug-vs-aiptasia.ebz.com/US/)? I was thinking of purchasing a few to try out but was not crazy about sending my credit card number over the internet especially since their ordering site did not appear to be encrypted. I tried to do this over the phone but they sent me email that they do not take phone orders "for security reasons". It seems to me that it would be more secure (for the customer) to allow phone orders.


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try this link: http://www.seaslug-vs-aiptasia.ebz.com/US/

I don't see why they couldn't take your order over the phone. Have you tried calling them to place an order? Or did you send them an email to ask? Usually ordering over the phone is more secure than using the internet.

Just call them and tell them you want to order over the phone.
(818) 788-7469


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I just tried to order one and it appears that they don't take your credit card number over their website. They accept payment thru PayPal or you can send them a money order or check. So maybe that's why they don't take orders over the phone. Well the total with overnight shipping($19) came out to $32.00 for one berghia($13), that's not bad for something that will be a definite solution for aiptasia.

It looks to me like they might be a very small operation, possibly just normal reefers who happen to reproduce and sell them.

I guess the only way to find out if they are trustworthy is to call them and talk to them, or if you live in Encino, CA, then go to place of business and check them out.

I would definitely give it a try if I had a bad outbreak of aiptasia, which at the moment it appears that I might have some, but they are so small, I am not sure. Next time I visit California, I will check them out and bring back one home.


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I used a peppermint shrimp that i got at a LFS for $6.25 including tax. This shrimp worked out great eating all aptasia within 36 hrs. i have a small tank. This shrimp hasnt attempted to eat any corals that i can tell. and i have alot of zooanthus polyps and clavularia. This shrimp wont accept flake food, so i dont try to feed it anymore. doing good though because it sheds its shell once every 7-9 days. it eats amphipods/copepods but there are plenty of those in the tank.


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yes, have used/ordered from them. Definitely satisfactory.

Tide man

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I also have ordered from them. I was very pleased with there customer service and I payed using my VISA thru paypal with no problems. If you order some berghia get the juvs they will grow to adult size after about 4-6 aptasia.



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Thanks guys for all your input. I posted on another board and one guy has actually been to their place. It was a residence, but they did sell him one out the door. Would not let him in though. My problem is that I have tried peppermint shrimp and my sixline wrasse ate them all in about 30 minutes... I am looking for other solutions.


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I have also recently ordered from them. I had some trouble with zenia that arrived dead.They reshipped the order at no charge. I also got the berghia,but I only have them a few days. I haven't seen them since I put them in the tank;but I am hoping they multiply and actually do something. However,I can not attest to their success at this point. Anthony


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I received a juvenille and a breeder from them this week. Introduced them into the tank, and as soon as the lights went off, the juvenille started to come out of the container it arrived in. It crawled out onto the live rock and immediately devoured an aiptasia. I have not seen either one since that night, but I hope they will irradicate those pests from my tank. I have plent of food to keep them going.


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Well after problems with my first shippment, I received my second shipment,and I'm sorry to say the zenia did not survive the trip.The company was very good about reshipping the second order for free,but I won't be asking for a third. The berghia came in good condion. They are about 1/2 inche long. I can only recommend the berghia at this time.But the customer service,through E mail only was prompt and courteous. Anthony

[ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: Reefexotic ]


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I got 2 juveniles and 2 adults long time ago from them. Juveniles (1/4 of an inch) are pretty small I prefer adults(3/4 of an inch), they are ravenous all the time, I've heard that they shrink when they are shipped and they resume full size in a day or so. anyway my tank is free of this @@#$%%$## aiptasia thanks to the berghias. it takes time but they really work!

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