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If you were to stock a 75 gallon reef with only 4-5 fish, which would you choose?

I'm thinking perhaps 1 small hippo or yellow tang, a flame hawk, six-line pygmy wrasse, and a few green chromis or one clownfish


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I have a bi-color blenny and he is sooo cool. They have tons of personality
Personally I would not put a blue hippo or yellow tank in a tank that small, they get pretty big. http://marinedepotlive.com/ This site gives some good info on the size, feeding etc....

If you decide on the Tangs, this is information given to me by Naesco that I have saved when I get my 155gal tang tank ready. Hope this helps

"Go out and buy one but do not buy the first one you see. Make sure he is 100% healthy. No marks, tears, spots; clear eyes Make 100% sure he is fat no thinness along the bottom: fat!
It will soon be obvious to you the fish that you will buy. He will be alert, interested in you ,and you will immediately feel attached to him. Remember healthy first than attachment.
Ask the LFS to feed him. He should dart out and really go for the food.
That is the only fish you want to buy. He should be small between 1.5-2.5 inches no more.
It may take you a month to find him or you may just luck out.
When you carefully put him in your tank keep the lights closed for at least one day and don't bug him. Let him adjust to your tank and its inhabitants. He will soon be out swimming around. Feed him nori and dried shrimp soaked in garlic extract and selcon for the first 10 days. This is to beat any ich that he might have. Than you are home free. If ich surfaces again start the garlic treatment ASAP.
I am a recommending you do this because I assume your tank in in good shape.I move new fish through my small reef to my big tank. The stress of a brand new 180 for a brand new fish is lessened when you keep him in the small tank for a while."


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I myself have about a 75gal tank (77gal to be exact), its a FOWLER with 50pounds of lr right now, and hopefully another 50 soon.

Here is my stock list

1. Yellow Tang (fat and beautiful, but a little big i am going to trade him with someone who can give him a bigger home)

2. Flame Angel

3. Occelaris Clowns (2)

4. bi-color blennie

5. 3 yellowtail damsels (i am also getting rid of these to give more room to the other fish)

6. 2 banggai cardinals (just started to mate!)

7. 2 cleaner shrimp

8. 1 sand star

hope this helps a bit. btw anyone know of a nice bright yellow fish that can go in a 75gal?


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It's nice to hear hobbiests who think responsibly when it comes to the tank size for any tang. So many people think that these fish can be put in almost any size tank and flourish. Another nice "yellow" fish is the two spot hogfish. Gets to be about 4 inches and has beautiful coloration. also a very peaceful wrasse species. JWT


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If the stand ever comes in, my new 75 will be Caribbean and will have:

1. Atlantic Blue Tang (really cool tang - blue with yellow tail, changes colors with changes in lighting and/or his mood - Scott Michael's book says 75 gallon is O.K. for this species);

2. Atlantic Pygmy Angel (great looking fish - have him in my 37 now and so far so good with my coral);

3. Royal Gramma (great colors and fun to watch hang upside down around the rocks);

4. Chalk Bass (maybe - interesting colors and supposed to be excellent reef fish);

5. Neon Goby (for parasite control, especially with the tang).

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