I'm taking a step away from the sun-drenched shallow reefs that most of us try to replicate in our tanks and trying more of a deepwater reef environment. I'm thinking of something along the lines of an outward facing reef slope or the base of a slope.
Lighting is definitely a factor here. The few resources I have found recommend 2-3 tubes (I assume VHO) with an emphasis on actinic. This is fine, especially since the corals I plan on keeping are gorgonians, tubastrea, sponges, etc. But in some of my research I have seen that non-photosynthetic corals don't do well in tanks, and don't seem to live unless placed under a decent amount of lighting. Anyone had experience with these corals or this type of situation? Would even photosynthetic corals (lowlight softies or certain species of gorgonian) do alright in this type of environment, even if fed?
The tank will be at least 120g, maybe 155g or 180g--we'll have to see what happes with that. It will be run skimmerless, with at least one pound per gallon of liverock. The large refugium will hold around a 5-6" DSB as well as macro for nutrient export. Hopefully this will also serve as breeding ground for copepods, mysis, etc. as most of the livestock(corals and fish) in the tank will feed on this. I also plan on feeding some sort of zoo- or phytoplankton food, possibly growing my own cultures.
As far as fish, I'm planning on a small school (4-5) psuedanthias squamipinnis. I would also like a small harem of flasher wrasse. As far as other fish, more research will decide that.
Well, that's what I have planned so far. As you can imagine, information on this type of thing is extremely limited and scarce, so any comments or experience you may have is greatly appreciated.
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: skylsdale ]</p>
Lighting is definitely a factor here. The few resources I have found recommend 2-3 tubes (I assume VHO) with an emphasis on actinic. This is fine, especially since the corals I plan on keeping are gorgonians, tubastrea, sponges, etc. But in some of my research I have seen that non-photosynthetic corals don't do well in tanks, and don't seem to live unless placed under a decent amount of lighting. Anyone had experience with these corals or this type of situation? Would even photosynthetic corals (lowlight softies or certain species of gorgonian) do alright in this type of environment, even if fed?
The tank will be at least 120g, maybe 155g or 180g--we'll have to see what happes with that. It will be run skimmerless, with at least one pound per gallon of liverock. The large refugium will hold around a 5-6" DSB as well as macro for nutrient export. Hopefully this will also serve as breeding ground for copepods, mysis, etc. as most of the livestock(corals and fish) in the tank will feed on this. I also plan on feeding some sort of zoo- or phytoplankton food, possibly growing my own cultures.
As far as fish, I'm planning on a small school (4-5) psuedanthias squamipinnis. I would also like a small harem of flasher wrasse. As far as other fish, more research will decide that.
Well, that's what I have planned so far. As you can imagine, information on this type of thing is extremely limited and scarce, so any comments or experience you may have is greatly appreciated.
[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: skylsdale ]</p>