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Ben 4

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I recently purchase an Anthelia Glauca through the mail. It is not looking well and I am looking for advice on how to deal with it. Most of the polyps are failing to open and about 1/3 of the stems are off-color. Any ideas on how to help resurrect this guy? At what point should I give up on him? Is there any risk of him fouling the tank? Thanks.


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Hi Ben,
I'm by no means an expert, but my experience with my Anthelia has been that it will change color depending on the light level. If I put it in lower light it tends to turn darker like xenia. When placed at the top of the tank the polyps will not fully extend and it turns a magnificant lime green for a week or so then resumes opening all the way in the lime green color.
Hope this helps,


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Well your first mistake was buying that weed in the first place
. I bought my Anthelia frag from IPSF. It spent two days in the box. It took about a week or so to come out of shipping stress. It was limp, shrivelled, and a dark blue color. Eventually it came around and extended it's polyps. I put it back in a state of stress a few weeks later when I did a major kalk overdose. It went limp for a week or so. Mine is a pale flesh color when under metal halides and more brown in weaker lit areas. I have yet to find the best way to KILL it. I even trim colonies down to base tissue and they STILL grow back. As long as it isn't rotting and the polyps falling off, it should be fine.

[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: fishfarmer ]</p>

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