We have 10 Speakers confirming attendence so far. Others are in the works. More information at:
Dr. Yahuda Benayahu
Dendronepthea sp. expert
Eric Borneman
Author of "Aquarium Corals", Hobbyist
Scott Michael
Diver, Photographer, Author "Reef Fishes"
Martin Moe
Author, Publisher, Hobbyist, Aquarium Fish Breeder Extraordinaire
Dr. Ron Shimek
Benthic Invertebrate expert, Author and Hobbyist
Walt Smith
Live rock, Fish and Coral Importer.
Coral Aquaculture in Fiji
Julian Sprung
Co-Author of " The Reef Aquarium Volumes, hobbyist, "Reef Notes" Column
Steve Tyree
Hobbyist, Coral propagation, Author, and Photographer
Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Hobbyist, Aquarium Lighting Studies
Dana Riddle
Author, Hobbyist, Researcher