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I think my LFS gave my tank big problems. I’m running a 45gal FOWLR tank with a Yellow Tang, Chalk Bass, Cleaner shrimp and 2 turbo snails. Everything was fine until I added 2 Clowns from the LFS. I had been watching the clowns for about 3 weeks and everything seemed healthy so I bought 2 Small tank raised clowns. Right away the smaller of the two refused to eat. about three days later I noticed a white film around it'd mouth. Before I could set up a hospital tank the next day it expired. I questioned the LFS as to what it might be. No luck there. Now the other clown isn't eating and the tang appears to have lost it's appetite. All of the fish were like piranhas at feeding time, now one or two bites and their done. I'm setting up a hospital tank but what do I treat for and with what. Any help is appreciated!

Ben 4

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Hard to say what the trouble is from what you posted, but a large -maybe 50%- water change would be a good place to start.
If something toxic got into the tank carbon and/or a polyfilter may help as well.
Are the fish showing any other symptoms?


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Sound like you are adding too many fish too fast. The tang needs a bigger tank than you have. Take it back to your LFS for a credit.
After a water change stick an airline in the tank to provide extra oxygen.
What are your salinity, temp ph etc levels?


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The tang,chalk bass, and cleaner shrimp have been in the tank for 3 months. I already got flamed on this board for the LFS suggesting and selling me the tang. They will not take fish back under any circumstances (Preferred Pets)Live and learn. Un till I find someone localy with a larger tank he's stuck with me.
Tank specs 45gal 24x36x12
PH 8.0
Temp 74
Sal 1.023
Nitrites 0.0
Nitrates 0.0
Ammon 0.0
Running berlin turbo lift protein skimmer+air pump
170gph penguin sponge filter for circulation with some aeration through it.
Whisper 300 gph backpack filter
25# live rock/25# baserock/40#crushed coral

I just did a 25% waterchange and replaced the carbon and filterpads

I do not intend on adding anymore fish, I was giong to leave it at just the 4, now 3 and looking to be back to 2 if I don't figure out whats up. I'm moving the clown to a hospital tank I set up (10gal) see if it helps. any suggestions on how to treat? I'm trying to figure out what was wrong with the fish when I got them. They seem to be constantly gasping and seem so swim off ballance.


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FYI I use RO water for the water change, I pre warm the water with a spare heater and aerate after mixing for about 2 hours before adding to the tank. I have the aeration turned up on the Penguen for about 48 hr after waterchanges then turn it down do slow down evaporation and salt creep.

Ben 4

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It may be too late for the hosp. tank. You likely have introduced some form of pathogen onto your tank with the 2 Clowns and now that is in there, the whole tank will have to be treated to get rid of it. At this point, I'm afraid all you can do is watch for any more symptoms and treat appropriately. From your description it is very difficult to say what is causing the symptoms so suggestig a remedy is difficult.
In the future you may want to use the 10 gal. tank for quarantine.


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Garlic is a natural substance that increases immune response in animals. many people on this board use it to treat ick and as an food supplement.

I now add a drop of garlic oil avaiable from kent marine to all my food. It cured my only outbreak of ick quickly and with no return.
how to make a budget

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