I think my LFS gave my tank big problems. I’m running a 45gal FOWLR tank with a Yellow Tang, Chalk Bass, Cleaner shrimp and 2 turbo snails. Everything was fine until I added 2 Clowns from the LFS. I had been watching the clowns for about 3 weeks and everything seemed healthy so I bought 2 Small tank raised clowns. Right away the smaller of the two refused to eat. about three days later I noticed a white film around it'd mouth. Before I could set up a hospital tank the next day it expired. I questioned the LFS as to what it might be. No luck there. Now the other clown isn't eating and the tang appears to have lost it's appetite. All of the fish were like piranhas at feeding time, now one or two bites and their done. I'm setting up a hospital tank but what do I treat for and with what. Any help is appreciated!