I recently added some cauperpa prolifera in my tank and was wondering how many of you add macroalgae to your tanks? Also are there advantages or disadvantages to having caulerpa grow in a reef tank?
Much better to put in into a refugium. Caulerpa can grow fast and smother corals in the main tank. It should be thinned regularly to prevent it from sporulation.
caulerpa is kept widely on this BB, though i think most keep it in a refugium. many advantages and some disadvantages. it provides nutrient export and refuge for the smallest of creatures but is prone to crashing and overgrowth as wombat stated. i keep it in one of my reef tanks and i consider it a mixed blessing. the prolifera is the best to keep IMHO.
steer away from racemosa it is a bear to keep under control and seems little will eat it.
& since you are in CA, make sure you don't stock one's on the banned list. There are plenty of other one's we can keep in California that well serve the nutrient export purposes.