CosmoK, my tank is 3 months old and the algae is now mostly gone. I kept the lights on about 1/2-2/3 of the time. I had blooms of the usual diatoms, hair/green, cyano. I ran a lot of carbon and floss during that period with an Eheim cannister filter. It filtered lots of junk and decaying algae. I had about 30 snails of various kinds, but mostly only the 12 or so trochus, tiger trochus, and turbos did any real work against the algae (and the fighter conch on the sand bed). The snails won't cure the problem, unless you have a million snails the algae can out grow their grazing. The lighting was crucial. Look around your tank, if it's like mine you'll see that little or no algae grows in the "shade." Bye now.