I am thinking about buying a Xanthicthys auromarginatus
aka blue throat trigger. Does anyone know what they eat? They are supposed to be plantovores but I am not sure what that means.
Xanthicthys triggers have an "upward" facing mouths unlike other triggers. Mouth structure gives good indication of how/what organisms feed on. In the case of Xanthicthys triggers, they feed on any planktonic fauna set adrift as well as whatever small organisms they can forage off the substrate without much grazing/grinding of the rock like Rhinecanthus triggers. So what's plankton. Really any animal that is small enough to fit in its mouth (most plankton are) that doesn't possess strong swimming capabilities. So basically, any meaty foods that can be ingested and is not poisonous is Xanthicthys food. They're not very picky and have a voracious appetite. I suggest feeding them finely chopped fresh seafood or frozen fishfood (Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef is a good choice).