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the blonde naso is a male and is already developing his streamers on his tail. the atlantic blue tang has already turned from his yellow color to his blue.


Picture of the new fish. the sailfin, blonde naso, and atlantic blue tang were all added at the same time. and the pinktail was added before all of them


I was a little worried about these guys in my flowerpot because it closed up right when they went into it, but it has been opening fully ever since then and seems to not mind it

of course there is always more pictures on my webpage. the clowns will be put in a breeder tank pretty soon to see if i can start mating them. everything else will be staying


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VERY VERY! nice. 8O

I would like to be the first to ORDER two or 4 of your offspring.

Just mail me@ [email protected] and I will send funds when they are large enough to make trip.

Best regards and Great job with that reef.

God bless those little guys and I hope they have thousands of little ones for you.

Write me when you are ready.



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Hey Skilos, I was thinking about adding a male naso tang to my list for my 230 FOWLR. Do you think it will do ok with a volitan lion, clown trigger, snowflake eel, and emperor angel?


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i would think so just keep them together in QT if you have one and add them together. All my tangs were QTed for about 2 weeks together before added to the tank. there was a little aggression between the trigger and the naso but it only lasted about 15 minutes and then everything was ok. i have a clown and an emperator in a 75 gallon together and they were also done the same way and now they follow one another around the tank all the time. there is also an eel in the tank with the clown and emperator and they are all doing great

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