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I will be using my 72 gal bowfront tank that I had used as a freshwater tank for my saltwater tank along with the emperor power filter with biowheels. I had used copper in my freshwater tank. I am worried after reading how copper kills invertebrates in SW tanks. I have cleaned the tank with water and washed out the power filter and biowheels. I am going to run some coppersorb through the power filter and tank when I cycle my tank with live rock. The question is-- Is this enough to allow me to keep some invertebrates in my reef tank? Thanks.


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If you cleaned out the tank well you should be fine. You ought to ditch the filter/biowheels and get a skimmer anyway.


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Thanks, I actually have a prizm skimmer, uv sterilizer, and 2 powerheads that I will be using in addition to the power filter/biowheel. I hope it isn't too much.

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