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The idea has been tossed around for some time now... How many people would be interested in a Florida dive trip of reefing buddies? Finally get to meet other fanatics just like yourself. I'm thinking that we could probably rent out a condo or the like, either in the Keys or further up near Lauderdale, etc. Splitting the cost on a per room basis to make it more affordable and taking over a dive op's boats for that time.

What are your thoughts? If you would be interested, how about a place? a time? a length of stay? etc?

Lets hear your thoughts....


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Sounds like a decent Idea. I live in Miami so I would be within 2 hours from either Ft. Lauderdale or the Keys (assuming your talking about the upper keys, ie Key Largo, Tavanier, ect and not Key West). The keys is much better for diving IMO than ft. lauderdale if your looking to dive to check out the reefs and not wreck diving, spearfishing, ect. As far as splitting the rooms, I'm Married and would most likely take my wife along and splitting a room would be out of the question. I'll take care of making arrangements for affordble rooms if we finally get a decent group.

Woo hoo, 1rst anual, Reef Dorks Convention !! jk...

Let me know !


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Although, Ft. Laurerdale has some good wreck dives, including the Sea Empress. Very interactive, lots of jewfish, stingrays, occasional sharks come up to play with divers.

Try getting a place at the Kawama Yacht Club Tower. 2BR/2BA with kitchen and laundry allows for home made meals and clean clothes without the cost of eating out EVERY night.


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Dr. Reef":26jysiye said:
Although, Ft. Laurerdale has some good wreck dives, including ...
Thats what I was saying, If it's wrecks you want Ft. laud is it. Reefs, it's the Keys...

occasional sharks come up to play with divers.
8O ummm, I've had my share... no thanks !! :)


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BTW: I meant splitting rooms, as in splitting the cost of a condo/house based on room occupancy, not sharing beds in a single room. :D My wife probably wouldn't go for that idea either... although, just to pacify those who DO want to share a room, we'll recommend a local motel6 for your pleasure!



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Definetly would do it, if for no other reason than to see tangirl alive and in person :lol: . Although I do have to give 6mths notice of requested vacation at work, and not call in sick as sick time eats vacation time :evil: . Also would need to know what kind of money I would need to have on hand well in advance.


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Any thoughts on locations? I have been off or Largo on two different trips and enjoyed it alot. I've heard good things about the large animal life on the ledges off of Lauderdale/West Palm, but never been... Any other suggestions?



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I would love to do a dive trip with you all.

Ft Lauderdale would be easier and I know a friend that owns a hotel there. Beach diving in Lauderdale is easy and cheap.

The keys would be better diving (a little bit) but more expensive. It would require renting a car or a van for the 2-3 hr drive down to the keys from Miami.

My opinion is that for our first get-together we should try to do something easy and fun. Lauderdale would be my choice.



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Yea man, count me in. Id have to weigh up the costs and stuff but i hope i could make it. BTW, OWSI 903612. :D


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Yeah sounds good to me as well. I went to the keys w/ my sister for diving (left the wife home) for a week in the early summer this year and had a great time. Would have to stop at ginnie on the way home tho :D

Again we would hae to come up with a decent price ahead of time so i could save.


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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Two years old. I don't recall seeing this thread back then.

I'd go, but the water is getting to cold for my taste. We'd have to go soon if a dive is to be done this year.

Us floridians require 80 degree water for diving. Anything cooler that that is not fun.

Also, I'd need a buddy that is okay with me blowing a can of air in 30 minutes. My personal record is 50 minutes, but that was in 20' of water. :oops:



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Damn, did the trip ever happen? I guess not!

Us floridians require 80 degree water for diving. Anything cooler that that is not fun.

Your missing all the fun of the 7mm farmer johns tho. My last dive was 52 F and just right!


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If the plans are for next year I could make plans and save money. I will have to bring the wife and 3 rug rats, but would share a condo with anyone brave enough.


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The fiance brought up a diving trip to FLA soon after we returned from Bali. I said, "Florida?? Why would we want to pay to go diving in Florida when so much of my family is in Puerto Rico, and the diving there is so much better?" So! Puerto Rico it is!

Btw, I would NOT share my space well with anyone. :|

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