I'll be moving my 75 next weekend. Here's my plan. Gather coolers and 5 gallon buckets to transport the rock, water, fish, the few remaining corals, and the one remaining clam. ( I had a friend with a new 125, I have already relocated most of my corals into his tank temporarily). I plan to put the fish in a couple of 5 gallon buckets. I am going to take everthing out of the tank except the sand. I'm only moving 10 miles so I don't think that the temperature in the rental truck will be a problem. The tank, stands, hood, sump, coolers, refugium will all go into the truck. I'll put the buckets in the back of my SUV with AC on. I'll set everything up in the new house and leave the livestock in the buckets overnight. I'll do a major WC after everthing is set up. I'll just received filter sleeves from Lifereef which finishes off my sump. I plan to run the filter sleeves with carbon, phosphate remover, and nitrate remover media (they came filled). I'll run this for 24 hours. I think the water should test ok by then. If so, i'll acclimate the livestock. Then I will slowly of the course of the next weeks start bringing my corals back from my friends tank.
I will move my RO unit prior to the tank move so that I can be prepared for the WC(s).
Am I missing anything here?
I will move my RO unit prior to the tank move so that I can be prepared for the WC(s).
Am I missing anything here?