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I know this is off-topic a bit, but I was wondering how long it would take a triggerfish to begin showing adult coloration. My titan trigger still looks like a pineapple, and I want to know how long a wait I have before it starts looking like an actual titan.




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It seems to take quite a while in a home tank. I have a 7" clown trigger that I have owned for two years. He's grown 2" in that time in a 180g. He still has adolescent coloration, which is what you normally see in lfs with 4-10" specimens. My guess is that it will take him another 2-4 years to reach adult colors -- with clowns this means the disappearance of the upper white spots on the body and the addition of white and red coming into the fins. FWIW, I've been told by a couple of experts that to humanely keep an adult clown trigger (which can reach 19") I'll need a 240g if not a 300g. A titan gets bigger than that, so you'll need a HUGE tank to house him properly eventually. Good luck...triggers are extremely interesting. They are the best "pet" fish to keep IMO. It's just too bad that they get so big and sometimes so aggressive.


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This isn't exactly on the same thread as the question, but hey Marillion...did you see that Flying Fish Express has a 16"+ adult Titan?! They want $650 for it.



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Yeah, I saw that...Marine Center has a 16" one for $599. I'd love to start off with one that size, but I'd rather keep it as long as my cat, and not half the time. :)

Hopefully with weekly water changes and lots of food, the titan will grow quite a bit as quickly as possible...



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