I am with you all the way on the Leafy Sea Dragon. My other desire is actually obtainable: Cuttlefish. It looks like I may be able to set up a tank to have one soon! We may be moving to a new house, so not only do I get to expand my current system, but cuttlefish cuttlefish cuttlefish!
cuttlefish or octopus. it's a shame either would mean an empty tank other than the specimens themselves. i saw a cuttlefish/squid at a lfs semi-recently in its color shifting splendor. too coo! 8)
My dream reef orgasm !?! Oh, woops. I made that same reading mystake in 6th grade and everybody made fun of me.
My wet dream would be to have Manderinfish Synchriopus splendus breed in my tank. I suppose this has been done by someone out there, and if I keep reefing, maybe someday I could accomplish it.
I had to repost to jump on bandwagon make my octopus a Blue Ring, small, colorful, leave out the wickedly poisonous aspect though. I could throw them in with my Black Tip Reef sharks I suppose.
At almost 25 m long Liopleurodon was the biggest carnivore that ever existed. It had four large paddle-shaped limbs, which made it a powerful swimmer.
With an enormous 3 metre long mouth which contained teeth twice as long as those of Tyrannosaurus, it was a formidable predator. Its teeth were arranged in a distinctive rosette at the end of its snout. The remains of Liopleurodon attacks are preserved in the fossil record. Half-eaten ichthyosaurs and teeth marks in plesiosaur flippers are clear evidence of their voracious appetites.
Yea Man, id feed it Minky's and Beluga's. :twisted: