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A friend just made a red oak hood for the 20 gallon tank I'm setting up while he was home on leave. I am putting a 250 Metal Halide with reflector in this hood and I'm curious of opinions as to whether or not Minwax Polycrylic (this is the water based stuff as opposed to the poly urethane), is safe for the inside of this hood. Should I be concerned about heat with this clearcoat?


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I've used MinWax Polycrylic on all three of my hoods. One is running 2x250 MH, one is 1x175 MH and one is 2 24" VHO. All of them are fine. Halides have been running for close to two years with it. The polycrylic is greate...really easy to clean and it looks good.


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Why stain the inside of your hood? Paint it white. That will help increase your light output via the reflectance of the white paint vs. the stained finish.

I didn't do anything to the inside of my hood, because I have an aluminum reflector. But if I did do anything I would paint it white just to seal the wood and possibly increase the refectance of the lights.



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Polycrylic is not a stain. It's basically a clear coat sealant. It will keep the saltwater from eroding/rotting the wood. It also makes a nice glossy, easy to clean clear coat for the outside.


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It turned out great. I sanded and coated it with polycrylic Sunday and put everything together. Looks great. The reason I did the inside is exactly what luminary said...protection and cleaning.

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