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It's being filtered by around 1,500 lbs. of live rock, about 1,000 lbs. of live sand, and a 75 gallon filled with caulerpa. I was wondering what kind of skimmer to put on this system, since I have no experience with large gallonage-handling skimmers. Places online to purchase would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance...




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I may be telling you something you already know. I have a new Euro-Reef CS8-1 on a 180g and I can't rave enough about how quiet it is, amount of skimmate, lack of bubble problems. I know they make much larger skimmers too. Go to www.euro-reef.com. Many online sites carry them too, just do a search. Otherwise, I'm sorry I cannot assist but I'm sure there are some commercial-type skimmers on the market for you. Call some public aquariums and ask what they use on similarly-sized systems.

Good luck. I'm drooling at the size of your tank!


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Yes, the Euroreef CS-12 models reportedly can handle a tank that size. I believe that marinedepot.com sells them.


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I run an Aerofoamer on my 300 gallon system and I've never seen a skimmer make foam so fast and so much. I love it and it's easy to clean and adjust. And the customer service is outstanding. James Wilson is the guy's name and I know from personal experience that he is the most honest guy in the business. He wouldn't sell you anything he didn't think would be exactly what you're looking for. Check out some of those skimmer reviews that have been done lately; the one's where they compare skimmers. Read up on the aerofoamer in those surveys. They come in custom sizes too. Here's a link....http://www.reefconcepts.com/products/skimmers/custom/ I'm dropping you a PM with his number too.

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