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I have a 150 gal reef that has been up and running for a while (cured rock from a previous reef in for a year, newly cured rock in for about 6 months, lights fully fired back up around 2-3 months). Very minimal bio-load of a few crabs / snails and 2 fish. No corals as of yet. Starting to go through the normal algae cycles with the hair algae becoming an issue at the moment.

I'm not able to seem to keep the pH above 8.2 at its peak during the day, with it falling to around 8.04/5 at night. I have added Kent Marine SuperBuffer dKH to the makeup water perhaps once a week. Otherwise, I've not added anything to the RO/DI makeup of which I add 5 gal every 2 or 3 days.

Question 1: What, if anything, should be added to the RO/DI water on a normal basis? Before mixing with salt?

Question 2: What is the recommend way to increase the calcium levels. I have a Ca. Reactor, but am waiting to fire it up until the tank gets a little stable on its own and I get the pH a little higher and under control

Question 3: Should I be worried about the "low" pH level, and if so how to best raise it in balance with everything else

My water parms are
pH = 8.04 - 8.2 (Pinpoint meter)
KH (dKH) = 8.6, Alk (meq/L)= 3.09 (via Salifert kit)
Calcium = 240 (via Salifert kit)
Spec. Gravity = 1.024 (from refractometer)
Nitrites/Nitrates are 0 or all but 0, and I've got a Phosphate testkit on the way to see if that's causing some of the hair problem (old RO/DI cart. perhaps?)

Thanks in advance...


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Mike one good way you can raise your PH and your calcium at the same time is to drip Kalkwasser at night. This will raise both since Kalkwasser has a PH of about 12. Do not drip it during the day this could raise your PH to high. Also have you checked you Alkalinity? This could be a problem if it is very low.


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Kalkwasser is a good idea. I drip 24/7 for top off. It won't raise your PH that high. Just drip it real slow.......This will take care of your low PH and low Ca.....

King Jason

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Do you have a sump? If so, can you run reverse lighting. Get some macro algae and run the sump lights when the main lights are out. This should keep your pH at 8.2 at night and may raise your calcium level. I would also drip Kalk into the tank/or sump (if you have one) at night. This should also raise your pH and increase your calcium levels.

Green Lantern

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I'm not sure you really have anything to worry about in regards to the pH. It's certainly well within safe, acceptable levels.


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>> I'm not able to seem to keep the pH above 8.2 at its peak during the day, with it falling to around 8.04/5 at night.
this is fine I see no reason to alter these readings. if /when you use KW for make up it'll raise slightly.

>>I have added Kent Marine SuperBuffer dKH to the makeup water perhaps once a week.
Why only dkh buffer? if anything you should be adding a balanced suppliment.. that's why you alk is a lil high but your Ca is low..

>>Question 1: What, if anything, should be added to the RO/DI water on a normal basis? Before mixing with salt?
nothing for water change water..

>>Question 2: What is the recommend way to increase the calcium levels
In your situatuation it seems like you should add some calcium chloride in order to raise ca without affecting the alk.
..I'm not the chemist so I'd be more likely to attempt several large water changes

>>Question 3: Should I be worried about the "low" pH level, and if so how to best raise it in balance with everything else ..

Add KW to your make-up water and you 'll be fine with your PH

randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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Actually, in this situation it will be impossible to raise the calcium to normal levels using any balanced calcium and alkalinity additive system (limewater, a CaCO3/CO2 reactor, two part additives, tropic marin B-iocalcium, or Saliferts All in one).

You need calcium without alkalinity.

This article tells you how to solve such problems:


This article tells you what is a pH "problem" and how to solve them:

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... 2/chem.htm


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OK, dredging up an old thread.

>>I have added Kent Marine SuperBuffer dKH to the makeup water perhaps once a week.
Why only dkh buffer? if anything you should be adding a balanced suppliment.. that's why you alk is a lil high but your Ca is low..

I have only been using the Kent Marine Superbuffer dKH as about the only supplement to my tank (29g). I am also seeing my Ph fine at 8.2-8.3, however I can't seem to get my Calcium above 350 ( B-Ioinc #2).

I thought I was doing the right thing, however it appears not. What would be the best way to keep Alk, and allow me to raise my Calcium to ~450?

I don't have a fuge, or a drip system, and would like to add with my daily top offs.

For now, I guess I should stick with using the B-Ioinc 2 part system, instead of the Kent?

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