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Okay I am moving and starting up with a new 180gl tank with a 125 for a sumpin the basement. If you were in a position to start over with a new tank, using all your experience, how would you do it? In are some specific areas I am trying to decide which direction i want to go..I have sold off all live stock and sand,etc, so I am starting over from that respect.

Sand Bed - Deep, shallow, or should I put it in the sump and go minimal in show tank?

- Metal Halide or VHO - I have used both...Halides are better for SPS, but had negative effects on LPS,shrooms,etc. What lighting would you go with how?

Fish - How long would you wait to add the first fish, knowing the benefits of critters reproducing in the sand bed and tank..??

Would you use Southdown sand again?

Would you use FIJI rock again?

Skimmer or Skimmerless?.

What brand skimmer for a 180?

What return pump? Sump is in basement...will need to go about 12 feet up

Would you use RO or RO/DI? Does the DI make a big difference?

Any input is appreciated!!


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I have a 180g FOWLR, heavy bioload. I use a Euro-Reef CS8-1. It works very well, though if I could fit a taller version under my stand I would have done so to lower my readings even more. The CS8-1 is 20" high. I believe the CS8-2 is 24"?? The company makes an outstanding product. Go to their web site and check them out. I had a Berlin Classic before and the difference is laughable --though I don't laugh about the $$ I wasted on the Berlin. I am likely going to a larger tank someday, and I will absolutely buy another Euro to supplement the one I have. Take it from someone with four non-stop eating machines --two morays, a trigger and puffer.


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Sand Bed - Possibly go with deep in sump, 2" in show tank

Lighting - Metal Halide and VHO (my 175W MH has no adverse effects on LPS and Soft corals that I have.)

Fish - Right after it cycled, add more as I decided what I really wanted. I found that I change my mind, so I would take it slower for that reason only.

I would use SD if available. If not, silica sand in the sump and aragonite in main tank

Didn't use Fiji but really like the Tonga Table/Plate I have now (Vanisi)


What brand skimmer for a 180? Don't know.

What return pump? Sump is in basement...will need to go about 12 feet up--don't know

I would use RO/DI.


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i would definately do the DSB in the refugium. well, i would have a refugium in that big ol' sump.

i would also do a substantial bed in the main tank maybe 3 inches, and know that i am living in a world with no boundries except the tank dimensions you are giving. the real world? just an 1 1/2" - 2" for economical purposes.

lighting? metal halide. i do the VHO actinic too though the common belief is that they are unnecessary with a good 10k bulb. i think they are a good way to simulate nature at lights out, as well as provide lots of blue. i would do at least three 400w on the halide, better to do four.

i would consider HQI though i haven't looked at lighting and am really no expert.

i would do the rock in a manner as to get a wide variety of life on it, and since i would be looking at it for some time, i would make sure it was cool looking as well.

i agree with pcmankey, the tonga is cool, so is marshall, and i got fiji as well. its all good, at least so far.

i would attempt skimmerless myself. if it was getting out of hand i would buy one.

getting long winded gotta go.


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Joe Stiene":1yn6fg0w said:
Sand Bed - Deep, shallow, or should I put it in the sump and go minimal in show tank?
Deep 4-5" in all tanks, main and sump.

- Metal Halide or VHO - I have used both
MH, no question about it.
Fish - How long would you wait to add the first fish??
3 months.
Would you use Southdown sand again?
Maybe, depends on what's the cheapest calcium based sand available at the time.
Would you use FIJI rock again?
No. I would use all base rocks, knowing eventually they will be covered with coralline all over.
Skimmer or Skimmerless?
What brand skimmer for a 180?
I would still go with MyReefCreations.
Would you use RO or RO/DI?
Does the DI make a big difference?
Yes, in my area, at least.

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