thanks for the interesting and informative post. unfortunately, this is going to be a rather long response since i want to be clear this time and not 'omit any significant information from this narrative' which apparently i didn't realize i done originally. i certainly agree with a lot of what you're saying, especially with the 'be prepared for everything' mantra. the aquarium mags should print your 'commandments' at the begining of every issue so the message gets out to all the new reefers getting into the hobby. to that end, i have a massive outdoor Generac propane-powered generator that automatically restores power to my whole house in the event of a power outage. this is primarily for my reef. in addition, i have an individual 15amp GFI circuit for my chiller, 2 for my lights, and two more for 'misc equipment' like pumps etc. i know that my aquarium (the actual physical structure) is covered under my homeowners policy without actually having it itimized, since at least in pennsylvania with Allstate insurance, you have $300k of protection in the event of a catastrophe. i didn't believe that livestock was covered in the event of equipment failure, but i will most definitely be contacting my agent in the morning to find out about this. thanks for the tip, and i'll post the answer i get tomorrow. what i didn't count on is that a $1300 piece of equipment, 5 weeks old, would fail (my 5 year old Aquanetics chiller on my other reef still works like new).
yes, i have to agree that there are 2 sides to every story, but as for omitting 'significant' parts of my original narrative, i will definitely disagree with you.
first of all, regardless of what Aqua Logic's warranty states or what company line you were fed when you called AL, Rich Darby did tell me they would reimburse me for the animals lost. period. at the time, i had no idea of whether he was lying or not (apparently he was), and just saying that so i wouldn't lose control on the phone while talking to him, or if he was genuine. i would without hesitation swear under oath in a court of law that Rich told me i would be compensated for animals lost. Mike, if Rich or Gary told you otherwise, then they are flat out lying to you. that i totally guarantee.
Secondly, i certainly didn't expect him to tell me he would replace anything, so obviously i was thrilled when he told me this. my attitude towards people in general is to trust them until they give me reason to believe otherwise, and i expect the same from them. naive, maybe, but being a synical skeptic doesn't help anyone. as for the other terms of the warranty, the unit was installed properly, essentially brand new, and certainly not abused. it was in a well ventillated area etc, etc. the repairman will vouch for all this.
and speaking of the repairman, as of the day of my original post, he had not been paid (i spoke to him immediately after i spoke to AL). if he has subsequently been compensated, i do not know. he said he would be coming after me for the funds due if Aqua Logic stiffed him, but he wasn't worrying about it since generally it takes about 4 weeks for payment. and for the record, Rich DID authorize someone to come out to my house on AL's tab proir to me calling anyone. steve (the repairman) spoke to Rich while he was at my house to explain the situation to him. when i first called AL the night of the incident, i never once demanded or suggested that they foot any bill at all. i didn't ask for a new chiller, i didn't ask for them to replace animals, and i didn't ask for them to pay for an emergency visit from the repair service. i was overjoyed that they offered all of them, and i thought i made that clear from the begining. i was completely blown-away when a new chiller arrived a few days later, and i called Rich to express my gratitude. in fact, Rich told me he was going to send me a replacement controller two weeks after the original incident, but i told him it was not necessary since i use a medusa controller, and i didn't want to take advantage of him by lying and trying to get a 'freebie'.
let me try to clarify something that might have been lost along the way. the original reason of this post was to inform people of what happens when a company's product fails, and how they handle it. this isn't about money. it's about trust, honesty, and attitude. i put my trust in a company that i bought an expensive and important piece of equipment from, i was lied to when and after it failed, and i was verbally assaulted by the owner of the company when i questioned all of this.
this certainly was not a post to say i wasn't going to be getting my animals replaced so i want everyone to feel sorry for me. not even close. however, as a bare minimum, i would absolutely expect that any company manufacturing an expensive piece of equipment and dealing with sustaining life, regardless of what field they are in, would pay for a repairman to fix a brand new unit if it failed, as well as replacing it. Mike, you make it sound that aqua logic has given me $2000 out of kindness and sympathy, not because of any fault of theirs. i hope no one out there reading any of this saga believes that they should feel guilty for demanding that a company backs their product once you've laid your hard-earned money down.
personally, i think it sucks that AL can claim no responsibility for loss of life on their warranty if their new chiller fails due to their negligence, but that's how it is these days with corporations. i understand the concept that they don't want to be doling out loads of cash whenever someone decides to use them as a scapegoat should the aquarist do something stupid and wipe out their reef, but this situation is clearly different. the loss of my reef was a direct result of the failure of their product. if you buy a new car and 5 weeks later the brakes fail and someone dies, we all know someone involved with the manufacturing of the car is going to be held responsible, as well they should be, warranty or not.
aqua logic isn't the only company out there making chillers. if they were, the point would be moot: we'd all be stuck with only one option. judging from some of the other posts, people have changed their minds about what company they're buying their chillers from. hopefully other companies, as well as aqua logic (this means you Gary and Rich), will read everything said in all these posts, and take a hard look at their products and customer relations policy. this is what i intended to accomplish all along.
thanks for reading,