Hi all,
I seem to be having an algae problem (at least I think it is algae) and am in need of some help. I have a brown film growing on my live rocks that is very difficult to remove. It has brown to transluscent filaments that are maybe a mm or two long. It also seems to like growing on the plastic overflows, but not on the glass or sand. It is not Cyano, does not seem to be Diatom based (way to difficult to remove), and does not have the bubbles etc. of Dinoflagellates. Any idea what this stuff is? Suggestions on what to do to get rid of it? Water parameters all seem to be in normal ranges and the skimmer seems to be working as usual. I have to scrub the heck out of it with a stiff toothbrush to get it off of the overflows, and the rocks are even more difficult. Your thoughts on this matter are greatly appreciated.
I seem to be having an algae problem (at least I think it is algae) and am in need of some help. I have a brown film growing on my live rocks that is very difficult to remove. It has brown to transluscent filaments that are maybe a mm or two long. It also seems to like growing on the plastic overflows, but not on the glass or sand. It is not Cyano, does not seem to be Diatom based (way to difficult to remove), and does not have the bubbles etc. of Dinoflagellates. Any idea what this stuff is? Suggestions on what to do to get rid of it? Water parameters all seem to be in normal ranges and the skimmer seems to be working as usual. I have to scrub the heck out of it with a stiff toothbrush to get it off of the overflows, and the rocks are even more difficult. Your thoughts on this matter are greatly appreciated.