My LFS has a small school of kashiwae anthias (pseudoanthias kashiwae) that they have had for at least a month. They are all eating and appear to be healthy. The school consists of 1 male and 6 females.
I was considering adding the whole group to my 400 gal reef tank. The current inhabitants are 2 tangs (sailfin and Naso), a rabbitfish, 2 lemon butterflys, a small percula, and 2 dottybacks (springer and multicolor).
Any misgivings??
I was considering adding the whole group to my 400 gal reef tank. The current inhabitants are 2 tangs (sailfin and Naso), a rabbitfish, 2 lemon butterflys, a small percula, and 2 dottybacks (springer and multicolor).
Any misgivings??