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My LFS has a small school of kashiwae anthias (pseudoanthias kashiwae) that they have had for at least a month. They are all eating and appear to be healthy. The school consists of 1 male and 6 females.

I was considering adding the whole group to my 400 gal reef tank. The current inhabitants are 2 tangs (sailfin and Naso), a rabbitfish, 2 lemon butterflys, a small percula, and 2 dottybacks (springer and multicolor).

Any misgivings??


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By the time I got to the LFS, the number of the school was up to 8 (it can be tough to count them because they zip around so fast). The total price was really getting up there. When the owner so I was hesitating about taking them all, she said she would give me a 15% discount on the lot (I get an automatic 10% "good customer" discount). So I said ok.

But when she finished catching and bagging them all, we were up to 9 (1 large male and 8 females of varying sizes). Thank god she threw in the last for free.

They went into the tank Friday night. So far they are doing great. The only aggression that I have noticed was on Saturday when 2 of the smaller females were engaged in mouth-to-mouth combat. But neither were harmed and I have not noticed a repeat of this since then.

BTW, I looked up kashiwae in Scott Michael's Reef Volume 1 (p. 560), and it said that pseudoanthias kashiwae was a synonym for pseudoanthias cooperai. Mine look like the cooperais shown in the book, but not exactly. So I am not positive that I have ID the anthias correctly.


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I just bought a digital camera over the weekend. I will take some pic's as soon as I figure out how to work te thing. :oops:

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