let me start by saying that i skeptically read any book on reefing, if i were to beleive all i've read i'd be way over due on replacing my live rock, vacuuming my sandbed,and i'd be sweating bullets that my bristleworms were going to devoure every living thing in my tank. yes i read the borneman ...coral husbandry... book. quite good actually. but there are many things in the book i'm not sold on, just as every other manual out there has some opinions in them.
now, i believe there must be an issue here, its just new to me. i know i have read many articles in books past that describe xenia as a very touchy species, i just assumed that this was old info and that the hobby had progressed to a point that xenia became an "easy to keep" coral. i did no research into the theory, just came by it. mostly i guess due to the fact my LFS's rarely buy the stuff, customers bring it in and give it away.
now, i don't harbor any fantasy that i am such a good reefkeeper that i don't have this problem, believe me i have more than my share of headaches, i just saw the post and found it odd to my knowledge. also the statement made that xenia crashes without reason. i now think i was reading more into the post by minh than was intended. i'm very new around here and i am also new to the online thing as well, so i've obviously missed out on a common topic.
but just as i am not sold on every opinion in the reefkeeping manuals i am in disagreement with the beleif that people should shy away from this species, its interesting, common,little impact on nature, and i would love it if my LFS would buy it again. oh, and one more thing, its better to have beginners buying this than alveopora, tubeastrea,goniopora, etc.