yeah he sums it up right. do some WC man. and if any has a bottle Lugol's solution, please tell him what to do if you overdose iodine. its on the bottle. i remember reading it.
Respiration rate of fish still seems very high ,how long will it take for recovery?are the effects on the corals long term?would the large fish be effected most?
I am sad to say that I think that I have been overdosing for a long period but did not make the connection with poor growth of corals and loss of fish.
Iodine is an oxidizer, I'm not really sure what the affects will be on the fish/corals long term, carbon will quickly get rid of it, exactly how much of an overdose are you referring to?
Because iodine converts so quickly I would be looking for something else in connection to poor fish/coral health, and running carbon, & water changes. L8r mega
Sounds more like a low oxygen level. Do you run a skimmer? Do you have a refugium? Sounds like something is consumming the o2 before your fish or you are not adding enough o2 to the tank(skimmer, refuge, or surface tension) or the tank is over stocked and the bacteria are consumming the o2.
Skimmer is a diy becket skimmer stock rate is low 7 fish I run an airstone 24/7 in the sump surface movement is good.
could the high iodine level cause the high respiration rate?
Thanks for the information folks it is most welcome .
I hope that the problems that I have suffered with my tank are down to this as all other indications seem ok it could be wishful thinking but the corals seem better after a day without any iodine additive.
Fish are now swimming around but still with a fast respiration rate, if the gills are burnt this could take time to recover .
By the way all the best to my American cousins over the pond.
Thanks for the information folks it is most welcome .
I hope that the problems that I have suffered with my tank are down to this as all other indications seem ok it could be wishful thinking but the corals seem better after a day without any iodine additive.
Fish are now swimming around but still with a fast respiration rate, if the gills are burnt this could take time to recover .
By the way all the best to my American cousins over the pond.
Why did you overdose? How do you know you od? have you got an iodine/iodide test kit? Basiclly the iodine you buy at chemists is tincture its a mixture of iodine kept in suspension with alcohol it can be used but the dose must be worked out in conjunction with a test kit, that is critical! i was putting aprox 1 mill a day in a 500 gall reef, but i'v now managed to get hold of some pottassium iodide very dangerous stuff in the wrong hands. it is mixed at 25 gramms iodide crystals to 500ml R/O and its dosed daily at 0.8 mil which equates to a iodine/iodide level of 8ppm NSW is aprox 6ppm. no 2 tanks will use/ utilise the same amount of iodine/iodide but as i'v said its very dangerous in the wrong hands you must have a test kit! and yes skimming and carbon will remove a percentage of it, used correctly the results are astounding! The healthiest pulsing xenia i'v seen?
In answer to the first question - because I'm a fool, I have been using potassium iodide at 12 grammes per 250ml but way, way over the dosage
you have indicated.
In the absence of a test kit (twice the fool) I looked at the distress of the
fish and the corals in the tank, all other indications indicated that the water quality was spot on. The only thing I hadn't tested for was the iodine!
A 15 gallon water change, new carbon and the skimmer freshly cleaned seems to have done the trick. (fingers crossed) The fish seem to have recovered and the corals seem to be showing rapid signs of recovery.
Thanks to all those who have helped with contributions, thanks especially to G Thomas for detailed dosage which seems to have confirmed my suspicions (off to buy a test kit).
ps To GT the best tank I have seen in the UK.
At 3am I had a paper and pen to list the set up for sale I had simply had enough.
By 4am the list had turned into possible causes of the problem flash of inspiration at 4.05am go figure , I even woke up the wife to tell her!
Thankyou for the positive vibes mark! i'm planning the next phase of my tank at the moment, possibly a monster sump/storage tank out in the garage 40odd feet away, but have'nt worked out exactlly how to do it yet/ plus the funds with christmas ect. The kids did'nt fancy a salt water swimming pool in the cold garage? spoilsports? anyway mark the reason i started mixing my own iodide/iodine was the fact i could'nt keep up with the escalating costs of commercially available iodine, mentioning no names but if you check ingrediants normally only about 12% iodine the rest is distilled water? allegadly? i was throwing about 20 quid a week in iodine alone, thats without the others. anyway good luck get a test kit GT.
When I used to dose lugols, that stuff was very strong, and cheap
I dont dose it anymore, and I've not seen any change in the livestock.
I'm thinking it's because it converts out so fast it really doesnt stay in the water long, and they get plenty of usable iodine from the food I feed (mostly shimp)