I think I may have made a huge mistake. I have a Kent Marine RO unit set up with the Kent Marine float switch and flush kit. I filled a 55 gallon pale with it and salted it and finally added it to my tank today. The water had been sitting, mixed and with a powerhead on all the time, in the pale for about a month. Today I finally began to fill my tank. Half way through the 55 gallon pale I realized there was some brown slime on the walls of the pale. I started to think what it could be and thought to myself "has the flush kit valve been in the right direction?" I don't know if I've been making good water or flushing the system and just added that water to the tank. How do I know? I don't have a TDS tester. Does anyone who has this flushkit know how I can find out? Water seems to be coming out of the blue (filtered water) line faster when I am supposedly making good water and slower when I flush it. Is this normal? Is it supposed to be slower through the blue line when flushing the system or have I been flushing it the whole time I thought I was making water? I'm having a panic attack right now. Please help!