More info as asked.
Tank set up:
-aprox. a 90 gal tank with a 15 gallon portion sectioned off on the side for sump.
-Aqua Medic Turbo 1000 skimmer in sump
-Lighting called a Smartlite, sorry don't know model #
-Custom Sealife Chiller (Water temp a pretty solid 77-78 degrees)
-Emperor Aquatics 40watt(i think) UV steralizer
-only media in sump is carbon
-about 15-25? lbs of live rock
- do about 10 % water change a week or as needed
Don't really add to many additves all water paramaters are what I would call normal , sorry don't have many specifics.(setting myself up here for a grilling I bet) Have done lots of testing. No nitrates, no phosphates. PH a little low about 7.8 ish been adding Reef Pure Marine Buffer to bring it up (just did that again).
The Fish:
The Cross Hatch is about 8-9 inches long had him six months appox
Pink tail is about 5 inches about seven months
Clown is 3-4 inches about eight months
Golden Eel is young and small 10 inches but thin (growing fast) 3 months
The eel bothers no one, pretty much hides in the rock or PVC pipe I have set up in the tank.
They get lots of different food squid,clams,shimp
The triggers have always sort of got along, the pink tail is the bad ass for sure, cross hatch is mellower, the clown leaves them both alone due to size. The pink tail does hassle the cross hatch a bit but not tons it goes back and forth more like agressive playing.
Four months ago had some sort of bacterial fungal disease, rotting fins, cloudy eyes could not really cure it with any medications so i added the UV light and it cleared up. Cross hatch never had it, mostly affected the clown. The pink tail sort of got it but not bad I'm sure the problems are not related. All other fish are real healthly looking and acting.
I really don't think it is aggression issue, he can't swim. He's the fish that can't swim. It's not like he's hiding or scared he's front and centre unable to swim. If I move what ever he's stable on he'll struggle ackwardly to get wedged some where.
I'm no fish pro but I'm a bit experienced. This is my preditor tank that sits above my 120 gal. reef tank with soft, hard corals and fish that has a 80 gal. mud/sump system with a whole list of hardware...
Thanks again for trying to help me out.