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Beer Baron

Scott Michael, author and fish expert has an article on surgeonfish (tangs) in Aquarium Fish Magazine February issue.

Scott states that the more active surgeonfish are best placed in an aquarium that's 6 feet long (135 gallons)

This is consistant with the recommendations of most tang keepers on this board.

Smaller tangs such as the yellow, black, purple can we kept in tanks at a minimum of 75 gallons.

It is very important that two things be considered.
1. Scott, I understand is referring to fish only tanks not tanks filled with coral.
2. These are his minimum recommendation and do not reflect optimum requirements which of course all of us want to see for the critters we keep in our tanks.
Thank you

smokin reefer

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"The same discussion over and over again so i will not go over that here. IMO, given the rate of growth, I don't think smoking reefer's tang is in the best of health.

Dude, how can you say this and say you will not go their. With a statement like that do you not expect a fire back. You have never seen my tang, so therefore how can you say it is not healthy. Hell it may be more healthy than yours in your mammoth tank. None of the tanks we keep our fish in can even come close to the enviroment they are naturally from. So get off your high horse. Your tank is a microdot to your tangs real home. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. :? As for my tang not being healthy. That is not true. I have 3 fish in my tank and all are healthy.

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