I am gettin ready to set up my 55 gallon and was considerin a Deep Sand Bed filter system....along with a Wet Dry Biowheel Powerfilter. Got any suggestions on the Sandbed?
MiltonP":1eji4ed4 said:Are you planning on live rock? If so you may want to consider dropping the bio-wheel out of the filter and just using charcoal when the need arises. I don't have bad bio-wheel experiences to relate but my LFS, which I trust, pulls them from all their eclipse hoods.
beerbaron":2hs1ozv4 said:ok fine as painful as it is...
biowheel=nitrate factory. not real bad for fish only, but i would sooner put some liverock in the sump with some macros and stuff. use a rubbermaid container you will save mula for a skimmer .
Will C":zojofbh5 said:no bang it wont if you do it right, set it up call me and i will help you move it the right way. also did you notce the 6" of sand in my 120? thats the size dsb i like to run i used 120lbs cc and 90 lbs of sugar sand it works great. i would suggest a refugium under neath the tank, the one under my 120 is a 50gal allglass tank i built the wet/dry and the baffels my self the tank cost $50 and the plexi was about $30 i spent $20 in bio balls so that was it. most people will tell you to not add the bio balls but i did so i could use the nitrate's to fertilize my plants. as you saw i have a crap load of them. if you dident want the plants you could take out the plexi and bio balls and just put in a baffel at one end to accomadate your skimmer and return pump and your done.