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I am thinking of building a Refugium and connecting it to my sump. Do I need to have lights on a Refugium? If so, what kind should I use?


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current practice favors a deep sand bed and a dense planting of macroalgae as the ideal use for a refugium. Anyone in a fish store would sell you macro algae and its very cheap. I might recommend using some nice 6500-7700K rating powercompacts of any wattage, the brighter the better.

You can light the refugium opposite to the main display tank and get several benefits (provided the macro algae is doing well). To make a long story short, something I don't usually do, a well-lit refugium on any schedule is always an enhancement to a reef aquarium.


Will C1

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you dont need power compacts it will run fine with normal fo lights, i use day spectrum fo lights on mine and the alfea grows just fine.


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not that they won't run with normal output, but why would anyone want to use normal outputs anymore on a reef setup? If its old stuff laying around I guess, but if you are building something new why not buy the most efficient parts... power compact setups are just as much $$ as normal ouput setups and always brighter.


The Pirate

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I think allot of it has to do with the depth of your refugium and the lights you have in your main tank. I tried to use 4 40w NO Growlux plant lights over my sump with no luck. It wasn't until I used some 55w day light PC's that I could actually grow something in my sump. Now I can keep Mangroves and macro algae.

Will C1

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my normal fo lights cost me $30 the same in a pc would cost me $75 at my lfs that is why i suggest the regulars why spend the cash for that when it could be better put to use for stock in the main tank.

The Pirate

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brandon429":129f576y said:
Ive never had a mangrove, is it true you can find them with red tones or are they always green?

On the bottom they have a kind of bark that definitely has a red edge. But you can ony see it if you put your face up against the glass. 8O


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How big is the fuge anyways? I used a LOA (lights of America) like the one listed above. Did ok... I eventualy bought a 13w power compact fixture (the ones used for the eco-systems)... paid around $50.00 if I remember correctly...


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Thats cool Will I know how the LFS people can charge... they get me all the time too by charging waaaay too much for smal coral frags. I think the best Ive ever been taken is being charged $25 for a piece of xenia that was 1/2 inch long, fully extended. They knew I wanted it, so they made the appropriate charge... :) sometimes its cheaper to buy a pc unit that is not made for reef/plant setups and then just switch out the bulbs.

I still use NO on my planted tank and I haven't switched becuase they still work...but I think next time instead of changing the bulbs I will just put in a 2x55w pc, a little more $$, but worth it I hope.

I want a red mangrove!! Wonder if you have to supply astaxanthine or iron or some other nutrient for them to retain color... have to find one first. Good luck in Lubbock, there are no mangroves around here except the ones in the mall that are dead, and they are still for sale--12$!


The Pirate

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brandon429":mcny9wh7 said:
I want a red mangrove!! Wonder if you have to supply astaxanthine or iron or some other nutrient for them to retain color... have to find one first. Good luck in Lubbock, there are no mangroves around here except the ones in the mall that are dead, and they are still for sale--12$!


Got mine from a guy on ebay. 10 for $10.00+ shipping.

Had my nose up against the glass last night and noticed a bright red root sticking out of the side of one in back.

Yes you need to add iron and rub the salt off the leaves with your fingers when they come up.


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rwillden":2fndhq3e said:
I use a 65 Watt Lights Of America Power Compact that I bought at Home Depot for about $40. Works great.

This is what I use too. I got the worklight version at WalMart for about $30 IIRC. Been working fine for about 6 months now...

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