Hey there all, I am kinda pissed. I did a water test last night and my water chemistry was picture perfect, I went to bed and woke up this morning to see my hermits and acouple hitch hiking crabs munching on all my damsels. All three were dead. I immeadiatly did another water chemistry check and everything was good. I've even taken my water to the Waikiki Aquarium so they could test my water and they said its alright. For the life of me I can't figure it out. *sigh* I think I am going to just let things run for awhile and then try another damsel or two. Its a ten gallon tank with a deep sand bed and about 20-30# of live rock. I don't use a protein skimmer but I do weekly water changes. Sorry for the ranting, I'm not sure if I'm posting for an explanation or just to get this off of my chest. I feel bad cause of the fish everything else in the tank is good though. Like I said I think I am just gonna let it run and see what comes of it.