not saying it never works but pepermint shrimp (5 of them in a 75) did nothing for me. i did a concentrated kalk injection only hitting a few per day to not mess up my chemestry too much untill all were gone. it's been abaout five months and so far so good non have come back from the dead yet.
I believe there are 4 types of peppermint shrimps. Two will eat aptacia and two will not. You can tell the difference by the thickness of their stripes. Someone posted a good pic an aptasia eater lately.
peppermints do a good job of controling, but if they eat the apstasia, they soon eat all polyps that you would of liked to have around .
I second the injection with calcium. You don't need to inject them, but just blast the mouth. It burns them away to nothing.
I ended up with a bunch of those little suckers. I got a pepermint shrimp but he wouldn't touch the bigger ones. I used some STOP aptasia and the shrimp went right for the dying little anemones. Took two days once I did this, and haven't seen any since.
You need to look at the whole pict. there is a reason why those buggers pop up. Might want to beef up skimming... or watch ur nutrient input...
the peppermint shrimp are a good Pro-active maintenance... they cant hurt... i never see mine... but i have no aiptasia either... they must still be around
I found 1 in my tank about a week ago, i zapped it with boiling wter mixed with kalk,it killed it immediatly. A picy of the blighter for those who have not seen one before.
Got two peps in my 30 and they have been slowly eating away at the aips, and haven't touched my yellow polyps. Saw one shrimp go over and inspect the polyps but moved on without any harm done. So far I would reccommend them.