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Reef Guy11

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Hey everyone,

I just got my new XDE HQI 20,000k Bulb's in. They are great and my Corals are doing great under them. I have lost the only light in that room but that is okay, these Lights are Great. Well that is all i wanted to say. Oh yeah Check out www.coralcity.com Allen has very good Selection's of Corals. :D


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If you just got them how do you know your corals are doing great? How can you claim the bulb is great? Let us know how you like them in 6 months.

(I'll skip the plug :wink: )

Reef Guy11

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Well, let's put it this way. Alot of my Coral's are doing better, not say that it is a Miracle. But I see a bit of a differents. Plus I have a Gorgonia, that has not produced Polyps in about a month. Now that i have had these bulbs for a week, so far the Polyps are now coming out again. :D

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