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I don't want to do the legwork. I just want to buy the stuff and throw it on the tank. I'm sick of thinking about it.

Opinions with cost and links are desired.

I'd rather concentrate on the livestock, which will be every type of coral, BTW...

Thanks in advance.




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it would be mostly for SPS and clams, and this is what i would use for lighting.

3 x 400 watt halides using Iwasaki 6,500k bulbs, PFO ballasts and spiderlite reflectors.

2 x 4 foot URI Actinic 03 bulbs on an Icecap 660 ballast. might add two more bulbs if it wasn't blue enough, but knowing my eyes i would be happy with two bubs.

i would mount it all in a 10" tall open back wood canopy with a 4 inch fan at either end. the fans would come on with the halides.

i'd probobly order the gear from champion lighting.


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I'd do 3 x 250 watt DE HQI pendents, with 10k bulbs, I like the spectrum they put out a little better than the Iwasakis- then you can decide later to do the 660 icecap or not, which is probably a good idea. You may not need it though. If you are in a high electricity cost area, the 250 DE will give comparable PAR(with good pendants) to most 400watters, costing less... the bulbs are more expensive though.

Just my two cents...


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Three bulbs. 250 watters are plenty for that size IMO. 250 watt Iwasaki's are nice, but need actinic.. maybe get a 10K for the middle lamp? Champion usually has good pricing. Shippings cheaper too, as they're close, in PA.

- Mac


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Marillion - now there is a good group you don't hear on the radio...

Woot Woot - now the real question is - is that your handle because you like them? ;)

As far as your question - you should probably go with whatever you like, plan to keep, etc. If you already know the livestock - pick out those that require the most light and start. However, keep in mind those that require less light - like fish who are at deeper depths, etc.

Not directly answering your question - however, you must learn to walk before you run...


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I currently have a 5 foot long tank with 3 x 250 de's in PFO mini pendants (left - 10k, middle - 20k, right - 10 k) and 2 48 inch actinic vhos. I like it lots but am adding another 250 20 k de in the middle cause I want it bluer.


The pic in the link is with 2 de 250 20 k's, one 150 de 20 k and actinics.

That is what I would do. So there!


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I have a 5'x2'x2' 150gal and its lit as follows:

3 - 250W 10000K MH
2 - 60" VHO actinics

general reflector with MH bulbs mounted in line with length of tank...

probably would be better with MH bulbs mounted perp. to length of tank in "Spider" reflectors, but it would add height as the actinics might be forced to wide and thus have to be mounted below the reflectors....



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if money was not the concern, what would be better:(A)3 mini de 250's or (B) 3 mogul base 250's with spider reflector both with the same ballast?


some many choices which one is right :?


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i gotta say stick with the mogal based bulbs as you can run them on the same ballast.

IMO: allot of good suggestions, i just so happen to be a loyalist of the iwasaki crowd.


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I'm always up for giving my opinion. :wink:

I would do 3 250w 10k with nice reflectors with 2 actinic VHO. I was a huge fan of Iwasakis as well, but really like the 10k lately. This is what I'm going to put in my "in-the-works" 90g (only 2 though).

Definately open backed canopy with a fan or two just for kicks.


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The inferences I made from Sanjay Joshi's data on PAR values from bulb and reflector combinations... Is that the PFO HQI Double-ended 250 Watt Setup is the best combination out there.

- Mac


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I'd go with 3 400 watt radiums. That way you'll never have buyer's remorse, and your tank will rock, and there is nothing you can't keep. The radiums will make all the SPS color up like you would not believe!!!


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I'll second the Radiums. Buddy of mine had a pair of 400W HQI 20K Radiums over his 65 gallon tank.. That thing ROCKED!

- Mac


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The tank is an old Oceanic with the huge (foot long) glass brace in the center...so, do you think I could get away with just two 400W 20K radium pendants and no actinic? That way I could leave the top open...




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marillion":2mypsl3r said:
The tank is an old Oceanic with the huge (foot long) glass brace in the center...so, do you think I could get away with just two 400W 20K radium pendants and no actinic? That way I could leave the top open...





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Great! Now to price up the setup...

Many thanks to all!




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good decisions on decieding on 400 watters, reguardless of bulb choice. i always felt that going with 250's would just leave you evenutally wanting to upgrade again.

i went and saw another reefers tank this weekend, he was useing 20k bulbs on a 400w ballast. i was SHOCKED out how much less punch you get than i do with the 6.5k's. i couldn't imagine going anything less than 400w's with bulbs like that!

The Pirate

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This is what I did. Since this pic was taken two more 55w actinic PC's were added along the back after the seaswirl was removed.


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