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Well since I paid so much for it I want to show it off! ;) I got it through www.marinedepot.com and am very happy with it so far. The price really wasn't that bad when you consider it comes with the pumps and the electricity savings is considerable compared to running a skimmer with pressure rated pumps. It really is a work of art. I had it custom fit to 33" tall and upgraded the pumps to Sedra 9000's instead of Sedra 5000's.


Here it is up and running:

The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to keep the sponge up on the tube from slipping down. When it slips down the water ends up splashing down into the sump and it is a bit noisy. I have tried using a rubberband on the pvc pipe and that works a little but it won't hold the sponge in place high enough up to keep it from splashing. Anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks, Nathan


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I hate it when I get jealous.

Very nice skimmer!!

Very nice, indeed.


Congrats.....that's probably the best skimmer you could buy. I need to start saving my money better.



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npaden":2z8plfap said:
Anyone know how to fix this?

I think someone mentioned using a plastic zip-tie on here once...

I don't use the sponge on mine, but I don't have near the drop from the skimmer output to the sump waterline that you have.

Awesome skimmer BTW! 8)


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Well I got the ES5-3 on monday, so far I can't say enough good about this thing. I just cleaned out the collection cup last night and damn nothing has every smelled that bad before.

I think the tank already looks bettrer, I might be looking too hard, but it seems that way.

I've learned the hardway in this hobby do your research and buy the best and you'll save yourself a lot of time and hassle in the long run.

If anyone needs a reccomendation, go with euro-reef, easy to setup, quiet and energy efficent.

I am jealous of that 33" monster though :)


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why not use rubber band around top of sponge...... constricting it above the pipe will do the trick..... so 1" from top of spong tightly wrap band and slip whole 8" sponge back on it will only slip till constricted....problem solved or use zip tie on top of sponge....and since you have to pull it off to clean periodiaclly its not a big deal to remove clean sponge and re band


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Thanks for the advice everyone. Sounds like a plan. I'll try a rubber band on the top first and if it breaks down too quickly I'll use a zip tie.

Thanks, Nathan


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You could also place a "T" fitting at the top of the outlet, so that one limb points sideways and one up. Place an elbow into the sideways limb, and a piece of pipe down to the water level. Since the limb pointing up vents the tube, the level setting will function as normal, but the water will be directed down to the bottom of the sump.

You will still get alot of bubbling, but no splashing.




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Thanks for the idea Adam. Now that you mention it I think that is how they have the external euroreefs setup.

If the rubber band doesn't work I will for sure try that. In fact I will probably try that anyway so I won't have to jack with the sponge all the time.

Thanks, Nathan


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Update us on how you like the skimmer after you've run it a while...

I'd be curious to hear how it compares to what you were running before, as I'm sure others would.

Thanks! :)


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I have done exactly what Adam mentions with mine, works quite well and no sponge to clean.


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I'm not at the house to check the skimmer, what diameter PVC pipe fittings do I need to buy?

Thanks, Nathan


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Holy crap that thing is huge! What's that thing hold? About 5 gallons of water? It almost looks like someone canibalized one of those plastic water fountain bottles for a skimmer! :D



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Assuming it has the same output as mine (CS8-3), 1 1/4" PVC fittings will work. Also there is no need to glue the parts together, which makes for much easier cleaning.


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Skbok, Thanks, 1 1/4" sounds about right, from eyeballing it I was thinking 1 1/2" but I bet they are the same. I'll pick some up on the way home.

Shane, actually it calculates out to 11 gallons of water in the mixing chamber at 22.5" tall and 12" diameter.

(the bucket of Instant ocean was there for a reason, IO says their buckets hold 6 gallons and the skimmer is quite a bit larger than the bucket so how would the skimmer hold less water? ;) )

Heh, Nathan


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Oh my....that is truly a thing of beauty, Nathan.

I have collected a 6 series and an 8 series and dream of having a 12 series some day :D


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The Euroreefs are awesome for that feature...you just loosen the collection cup basically...it needs zero clearance, moves straight out. 8)

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