I started to get these growing on my LR 2 weeks ago. They look like baby frogspawn but I see no skeletal structure to them. Plus I have no frogspawn coral. The tank has been setup and running for over a year. The only change I made was doing 30% water changes every other day for a week with my new RO/DI (I did this because I have a nutrient problem because of the well water I was using which caused the cyano prob I have now)
Any way here is a couple pics. Sorry for the size
Any ideas?
I also have tons of bubbles on the LR since adding MH 4 months ago. They are on only 8hrs/day. Are the bubbles a sign of excess nutrients still in the water?
Any way here is a couple pics. Sorry for the size
Any ideas?
I also have tons of bubbles on the LR since adding MH 4 months ago. They are on only 8hrs/day. Are the bubbles a sign of excess nutrients still in the water?