Out of curiosity, how much real world experience with sandbeds do you have in closed systems and how much of what you are saying is theoretical or based on other peoples observations? For every person you dig up who has crashed a tank and blames it on his DSB, I bet a Len can be dug up who has one going on 9 years. I'm not a DSB fanatic by any means, but from your own admission other places you are not a "hobbyist" and I wonder what your actual experience with the sandbeds in question is.
Out of curiosity, how much real world experience with sandbeds do you have in closed systems and how much of what you are saying is theoretical or based on other peoples observations? For every person you dig up who has crashed a tank and blames it on his DSB, I bet a Len can be dug up who has one going on 9 years. I'm not a DSB fanatic by any means, but from your own admission other places you are not a "hobbyist" and I wonder what your actual experience with the sandbeds in question is.