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I'm setting up a 29 gallon with a 15 gallon sump. I have ordered 2 SCWD's from Inland Reef. I was thinking about a Mag 9.5 to drive these. Will this be too turbulent for a 29 gallon tank? Obviously I can put gate valves on the SCWD's but will too much back pressure hurt this pump? My sump will be about 4 feet below the top of my tank. Thanks for any input.

Al Hobby

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Back preasure will not hurt Mag Drive pumps. Keep in mind that with the 4ft rise and the back presure of the SCWD's you will not get anywhere near the rated 950 gph of the pump. In my opinion it is much better to get a bigger pump and turn it down some with a valve than get a pump that is too small and regret it later.


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I'm quite sure Len was reffering to his own post, since he didn't add anything to the thread, other than to agree with the response from AL.

I have nothing else to add either since I am not familiar with SCWD's.. :wink:


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