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Hey everyone whats some of the funniest advice you've heard come out of your LFS? Just thought it would be funny to hear some. I'd say mine would have to be " You can keep one fish per every gallon in your tank"

t gallo

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all you need is a good canister filter to have reef tank, and you mite want to try a under gravel filter while you're here. my reply, how long have you guy's been working here, there answer, why do you ask. :lol:


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One of LFS's around here had an anemone tank with a cheap 20w florescent light in it that you get for like $20. Those were some sad looking anemone's, just sitting there clinging on for dear life


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we had a real character working at a store i was managing in j'lem

(knew very little about anything, thought he knew everything) :wink:

when the j'lem mall first opened, he opened up a very impressive looking store there ( his family had money)

he actually tried to convince me, when i went to visit him and check out his (dad's :wink: ) new store, that an aptaisa covered rock was actually covered in coral polyps

what a maroon :lol:


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This isn't exactly advice but its pretty funny. This LFS here has so called "live rock" they are trying to sell for $7 lb it is the MOST hidious looking thing you will EVER see it looks like someone just took a cinder block and smashed it on the ground and threw it in the tank you can't even see the rock anymore its just covered in green hair algea now a matter of fact the whole entire tank is being over run by it, its been sitting in there tank for well over a year now untouched and it looks like it will stay that way. If I only had a digital camera to take a picture.


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is that a bta?

yes it is....

it doesn't look very colorful, is it dead..

no no, hes very healthy,

i thought they required expensive lights..

no this is a cold water anenomy...

what temperature should i keep it at??

they do best at around 80F....


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I was at a LFS yesterday. Told the lady that I was asking around for yellow headed jawfish and finally gave up and ordered two.

She said, "we just gone one today". I said "really" and asked her to show me. She pointed to it. I am not sure what kind of fish it was. It was shaped like a damsel. I was orange and had thin yellow lines in it. I said, "that's not a jawfish". She said "yes it is". I said "no it isn't". She said "well, that's what it came in as" and pointed to the writing on the glass. Sure enough, it said "Yellow Headed Jawfish - $29.99".

I don't feel bad now for paying the shipping for mine. :lol:

The visit took a bad turn...I said how I will be going away for a week next week and don't want to buy anything right now but was just looking. She said "you have to see the new stuff". She showed me a batfish and a french angel and a stingray. I said "hopefully they will be bought by someone with a large tank who knows how to take care of them". She started to say "well if they don't sell they are just going to...." she didn't finish the sentance because the lady who is part owner of the place shut her up. I hear the lady say to her "he's..." but I didn't hear the rest. Maybe she said "he's a d$%#". Not sure. I mostly go in and look around. I am going slow with my tank and I won't buy things for the sake of having something cool. I have also been brainwashed in a good way by this forum. I won't even buy a tang again.

They have some funky looking stuff at this store. It amazes me that in the 8 years that I have been keeping fish only marine tank there has only been two stores in this town that had marine fish. Finding anything in these stores was hit and miss. Now we have this store that stocks things you won't even find at the Baltimore Aquarium. I don't even know what half the stuff is but then again I never had a reef tank. See apples, sting rays, seahorses, some kind of anenome with purple and green tenticles that I actually thought was some kind of urchin. A kid that works there said they actually sold a blue ringed octopus.

Scary stuff. :?:


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Bingo I don't want to name names but it is on staten island but then again there are a lot of pet stores on SI =P


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Here's the advice I got from my LFS. I bought the whole setup from them.
75g AGA RR, 20g sump, mag9 return, EV-120 skimmer with Mag5, 200lbs sand, 40lbs live rock (which they would not give me 'till my tank was setup), plumbing parts ( I had to go to Home depot for some of the parts), instructions on how to hook up the plumbing and a book to get me started.
"If you have any questions, call"

(water and sand added - cloudy mess. I called)

" The cloudiness will go away. Get the temp up and make sure the sg is correct and you can add the LR"

Added the LR. Things are looking better. Talked the the LFS.

"For the first month or so, it will look like a sewer"

me " What should I add next?"

"Some hermits, but you'll have to put in some flake food until they have algae to eat"

me "When can I add fish?"

"Wait a month or so. When your nitrates are zero, then you can add fish."

me "If I want to have clowns, when can I put in an Anemone?"

"You should wait at least six months"

OK so this is not exact, but you get the idea. Sorry for the long post, but I think there are good LFS out there. Maybe instead of bashing the employees we could help to educate them.


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Me: "I need something to help control the algae in my 20 gallon reef."

Clerk: "How about a yellow tang?"

Me: "Won't that be a bit cramped in a 20 gallon tank?"

Clerk: "Not at all, we have little ones. They won't get too big in your tank."


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My most classic LFS advice is that sexing firefish is easy. The purple ones (N. decora) are the males and the orange ones (N. magnifica) are the females :roll: . I guess my firefish are lesbians then 8O !



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A lot of these are good, but some of the freshwater fish advice I have heard has been just as bad, if not worse. Advice like, "That redtail catfish will not outgrow a 10 gallon tank. His genes will stop him from growing too big."


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Yeah there are a lot of fw stories, I think everyone will agree goldfish have to have the most miserable life out of any fish out there, packed into those tiny tanks by the hundreds and you always see about 5 belly up a few stuck in the filter poor little guys


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"Got anything to make a nice sandbed with?"

"yeah here is some crushed coral"

"no sandbed"

"yeah crushed coral"


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I usually don't chime in on these threads, but I was shopping around for a 90g tank recently and this was one conversation from the owner at a pretty "reputable" shop in Ft Worth.

A long story short, I called about a 90g drilled for overflow and closed loop and he said...

"You drilling that for a wet/dry?"

I said "No, this is going to be a full reef I won't need it"

LFS "What do you mean, how are you going to do that without a wet/dry?"

Me, "I'm going to have a Deep Live Sand Bed lots of LR and one hell of a skimmer along with a refugium with Macroalgae."

LFS "Then what's all these holes you want for?"

Me, "Circulation through a designated pump or closed loop."

LFS "So you don't need a wet/dry?"

Me, "No, I don't. I plan on having a full reef and don't need the nitrates a wet/dry produce. I try and keep my nitrates as close to zero as possible."

LFS "Then you definately need a wet/dry."

Me, "No, thanks they create nitrates I don't want in my tank."

A certain amount of silence and some deep thinking on the other end of the phone and......

LFS, "I still think you need a wet/dry."


I can understand where he is coming from to an extent. But, to not even open up your mind to accept that there are other methods to reefkeeping is just frustrating. Seriously, how long has the Berlin Method been around? I guess that wouldn't make as much cash as a wet/dry though, huh?

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