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Any advice on whether it is possible or indeed safe to mix clownfish in the same tank.

I have a new tank (1000ltrs) which has 2 fairly small common clowns (percula) however I have an existing setup which I am slowly introducing to the new tank.

Basically I have a 2 year old Maroon Clown (Premnas) which I adore and am worried that as he dwarfs the other clowns that I may have problems introducing them together.

Any advice?

I normally wouldnt consider this is the tank wasnt sufficiently large enought, however there is plenty room for them. The tank is well aquascaped with plenty of retreats but I dont want WW3 breaking out.

Has anyone had experience mixing them in a tank of this size.


Alpha :wink:


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Well Alpha, I too like clowns and was curious about the same thing...My tank is a new setup of 225 gallons...I just added the first mated pair of Maroon Clowns about 1 month ago....The tank at that time contained 2 bubble tip anenomes....The clowns took to the larger one immediately...Each are located in opposite ends of the tank..Several days ago I located a nice pair of Orange Skunk Clowns and just had to have them...So I crossed my finger and added them.....Initially no aggression...I don't think each pair even knew the other was living down the block.....Then a strange thing happened..I found a gorgeous burnt orange rose anenome ($250 OUCH) that I added......It found its way next to the existing anenome and pair of skunks.....I guess the Maroons liked the rose anenome better and attempted to evict the residents clowns who are much smaller, to my amazement about 2 hours after the start of the aggression the Maroons gave up and return to their former home...that was 2 days ago...and they still have not re-attempted another eviction....Those little Orange Skunks held their ground.....I was truly impressed....Still crossing my fingers...Both pairs are so coooool.

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