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Looking to boost my water preasure into my R/O unit. any one have any luck with the kent RD50? (cost is around $180) I deffinatley don't want to have to call out for a plumber 8O and was hoping that this might do the trick. Any reports of dependability, ease of install, etc? I have a captive purity 3 stage 35 gpd.



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Though I don't use one on my R/O, I've seen plenty of installs and it seems extremely straightfoward and simple ... pretty much just plumbing the pump between the source water and R/O, then plugging it in. And as far as I'm told, the pressure pumps work very well at keeping the pressure regulated.

Robin Goodfellow

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It is pretty simple to hook up. However, for RO application, you will need to make sure you talk to the seller about how to control the pump (it is not going to run 24/7, but instead, by the pressure or a timer etc.).

One thing that I feel most people don't realize is that if the pressure is not that bad (low), it is more economical to run the RO as-is, instead of spending $180 and save a few dollars every month in water. Keep in mind that it take a few watts to run the pump.

Mystic should have decent pressure... are you near the northern part of the town?


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Actually I need to update my profile, I'm living in Waterford now and the preasure into the house is only about 50 psi. I tried my unit on it and it barely even dripped. The $ doesn't bother me if it works, anyone have anything to say about the brand?



Al Hobby

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the preasure into the house is only about 50 psi. I tried my unit on it and it barely even dripped.
I have a 24 gpd Spectapure R/O DI unit. It works fine on our well water system, the water preasure ranges from 35 to 60 psi. Have you checked the RO unit for any possible malfunctions? The Spectrapure website has a good trouble shooting guide.

I had a simular problem with my RO system before and it turned out to be a clogged flow restricter.

Robin Goodfellow

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50PSI is not that bad. Al Hobby had good suggestions. All residential RO pretty much drip it output. So how many gallon do you actually get per day? At 35GPD nominal output, if you get about a gallon per hour (24GPD), it is still acceptible.

I just don't want you to be disappointed after paying for the pump... it is not going to do miracle for you....


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FWIW I used on of those pumps on my RO unit at the shop and it made a huge difference. But during the course of trying this out we found out that the pressure in the pump room was only 10 PSI. We went from making 50 gallons per day to 200 gallons per day.

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