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Hi Guys, Please identify this fish. Looks like a grouper family member.


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Hey Deo,

That's another cool fish from your area. We almost never get those imported here to the USA.

It's a Dwarf Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis fowleri). They stay very small, and yes the spines are venomous.


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Thanks guys! Thanks John, you're a real expert. I have 2 of these I found (again) in the pet store. I often visit the stores just to look at the fishes; i don't buy anything anymore cause i have enough inhabitants already (5 gal per 1" fish ratio right?). But when i noticed these 2 little ones; i fallen in love (again). Again, the pet store doesn't know much of them cause it was also the first time they had these fishes. You're right John, they have thorns on their fins. The store had to put them in three layer of plastic bags cause they pinched the first 2 bags. Here's 2 more pics. Thanks again. OK...no more additional fish promise.. except i find a coelacanth.


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Deo, what size is your little scorpionfish?

Here's a great photo of one by my friend in Quezon City. Copyright by Denis Ty.


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Now you need to find one of these little jewels. A Flasher Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis macrochir). Copyright by Denis Ty.


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That is a very cool looking fish. How small is small John? Do you know the max size?


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Hi John, My 2 scorpionfishes are just about 1 inch. One is a little bit smaller. Ok, i'll see if i can be lucky again to find the yellow one. Will keep you posted. Thanks again.

PS, mention me to your friends here in the Philippines.


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Be careful with that little guy, Deo! Just wanted to throw it out there, in case anyone isn't aware...scorpionfish have the most deadly venom in the world. It's not like a lionfish owie, which I hear hurts like hell. This one can kill you. 8O They are absolutely beautiful, though, so enjoy! Thought I'd warn those who have small children in their homes. :!: :!:



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I don't imagine that it will do anything to corals, but they are ambush predators that will eat anything that will fit into it's very large mouth. Mostly fish but I'm sure it would eat other small critters as well. It's a lot of fun to watch them eat! If you have a predator tank setup, it should be fine. Some of them bury themselves in the sand to help with their camoflauge and ambushing, though, so you may end up with a bulldozer on your hands.

As a side note, the LFS where I work got a few unexpected freshwater stonefish (cousins of scorpionfish) in a shipment a few months ago. The brilliant manager, not knowing what they were, put them in a tank on the bottom row...where children put their hands all the time. I don't know how many people touched those buggers before we figured out what they were. 8O 8O Yikes! I can just see the lawsuits piling up...


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