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uhhh...how many people have dropped a socket into the tank while it was plugged in? i dropped a 2x40w strip in for like 5 seconds....and then tried to grab it out like a moron.

fish die now or later?

ive read about lots of people doing **** like this. my fish are fine but does that mean theyll be fine later? id imagine. maybe...?? so?


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I too am a moron, many years ago I had the same thing happen. I dropped a 20 watt strip in the tank then reached in real quick to grab it. I learned quick from that mistake!

My fish were never hurt from the shock.



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yea it was pretty shocking, no pun inteneded.

some how, i dont really know how, one end slipped out of the hook and splash. i wasnt even thinking and didnt really react to it to fast..just kinda like..uhhhhhh. doesnt hurt at all which is wierd. and i feel good. which is wierd. i feel better right now than ive felt in a long time...

maybe i should get electroshock therapy.hahaha.


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i have had electro problems...id say its possible for them to still die ..unlikley but possible...even humans can be shocked, seem fine and die 3 - 4 days later...

my experiancee (i had a big shock problem) is that the fish can develope lateral line erosion from the shock


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You gotta get GFI's and ground probes. Just tonite I ran a tank over and was standing in the water......the ground probe tripped the GFI circuit.


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Another notch on the moron tally please ;) Did the same thing, nothing ever happend to me or my fish. I second the grounding probe. Best of luck;) HTH


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What about the ground probe debates? Didnt people come to the conclusion that if you have a titanium grounding probe the titanium level in the water can get extremely high and cause problems down the road?


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Ben":2tfzx48y said:
What about the ground probe debates? Didnt people come to the conclusion that if you have a titanium grounding probe the titanium level in the water can get extremely high and cause problems down the road?

Never heard that, and I don't believe it. :mrgreen:


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stick with the grounding probe,it helped and still does help. i think that it wasn't to long of exposure and you will be ok. forsure we will find out in a couple of days. let us know!

good luck,

wrasser 8)


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Yeah nothing to play with!
This just happened to me 3 weeks ago with my 15high i was trying to clean and plug in at the same time and Zap this little wavelength felling things came through my fingers and i didn't realize it but i woke up my wife and started laughing because i couldn't believe i keep my hand in the tank after dropping the socket and plugging it back in


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As I understand it, you are the one who makes ground, not the fish. When I worked for Petschmo (HQ distribution center-not retail shop) we had a large heater break in one of our stands. The fish were swimming happily (though chillily) around. Phi tells me, "Hey, we have something broken in this bank, there's a big current in these." Me goes and sticks her hand in tank and WHAM! I went through the tunnel and everything. (The warehouse was using commercial juice, something like 440.. can't recollect, but it was way more than 220.)

Fish = fine.


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That's what I noticed as well. I figured I'd see some sort of reaction out of the fish. But nothin. The two eels that just sit around a rock...continued to sit. But all is well now. Thanks for a ll the responses

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