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Weekly Discussion - If everything cost more...

If all the livestock in this hobby suddenly cost 20 dollars more than it currently does, would you complain about it? Would you still stay in the hobby? Would it make a difference why the price changed? What reasons for the price change would you find acceptable and what reasons would you find unacceptable?

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I really wouldn't have a problem if all the livestock went up by 20 bucks.

I rarely ever buy livestock, my tanks are all where I want them to be in the fish department, and I trade with other reefers for corals, haven't bought a coral in two years.

I occasionally will buy a fish, maybe once a year or so to replace a "niche" fish that passed away for some reason, like a blenny, but a price increase in livestock really wouldn't effect me much.

I would be EAGER to pay more if I was SURE that it meant the livestock was harvested in a more ethical manner.


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If they went up at every outlet by the same amount, people would complain for awhile, but they would probably still stay in the hobby. If they only went up at independant outlets and chains kept their sell it dirt who cares about quality attitude, people would still shop at the cheapy places and give independant outlets a hard time (as they do now).


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If the price increase were justified for reasons other than a certain few just wanting to line their pockets with more cash.

I think a price increase would also scare away some of the people in this hobby who purchase just because they can afford it and don't worry about actually health of their livestock.

So many times have I seen mandarin gobies for $10-$12 and i'm sure most every one of them was dead within 6 months. :?


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I'd mind. Not enough to get out of the hobby, just enough to piss me off. All that would mean was I could put less livestock in my tank. I'd still spend the same amount on my tank, (too much) but it would have to be spread out more. The $60 open brain I may buy would just have to wait untill next month. This may be totally, totally the right thing to do. I'd get to watch it at the pet store longer to see if it's in good shape, and curb the impulse purchases- provided no-one else bought it first.

Would I pay more to KNOW that my animals are captive bred/humanely collected? You bet. Everyone here would. That's a given. But pay more because "everything is going up?"--You'd have to give me an honest reason, other than:

The suppliers are charging $3 more per piece.
The shippers are charging $2 more, the importer is charging $10, and the LFS is bumping it up anouther $5.

SO in the end, I'm paying $20 more for the same coral species I was looking at last week, and nothing has changed except certain people are getting more of my money. That's not acceptible in my eyes. Maybe $1 or two to each step along the supply process, but I'd have a hard time paying $20.



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If by increase, you mean only for wild-caught livestock and not captive-bred, I wouldn't really mind all that much. But I'll be honest: it's partially because I've already stocked my reefs. ;)

Right now, I honestly believe that marine fish have gotten to be too cheap. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but the low prices nowadays (relative to a decade ago) seems to encourage the idea that reef life is disposable. The truth of the matter is that most people place value on life based on monetary value. If you make a fish more expensive, perhaps the person buying it will assume that much more responsibility for it.

Up'ping wild-caught livestock prices can also have additional benefits. For starters, the financial surplus can be used to enforce standardized regulations and promote responsible collection. Raising wild-caught livestock prices would also encourage people to turn to captive bred alternatives. Again, I know a "tropical fish tax" is an unpopular idea as most taxes are, but I can't honestly think of any reason not to do it that isn't selfish.



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I have always felt weird with living things are processed to make money via the volume method. I also feel weird that we feel it is our right to have anything we want, and for those things to be cheap. I think animals should cost more, but I also think gas should be at least 5 bucks a gallon.


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Len":26pfotry said:
Right now, I honestly believe that marine fish have gotten to be too cheap. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but the low prices nowadays (relative to a decade ago) seems to encourage the idea that reef life is disposable. The truth of the matter is that most people place value on life based on monetary value. If you make a fish more expensive, perhaps the person buying it will assume that much more responsibility for it.

I agree, how many times have I seen a post where someone is asking about why a larger fish or anemone ate their chromis or damsel, they add at the end, "It's not really a big deal, it's only a 5 dollar fish."


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Righty":1ngc6hqj said:
I have always felt weird with living things are processed to make money via the volume method. I also feel weird that we feel it is our right to have anything we want, and for those things to be cheap. I think animals should cost more, but I also think gas should be at least 5 bucks a gallon.

But, I also think you are nuts!


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I feel like I wouldn't mind if the price went up if the money was going into the right hands....IE: the actual diver that lives in the little foul smelling shack with 11 kids that he can barely afford to feed. But we all know that would never happen. It would just go into the slavedriver boss of his or the exporter, or the importer or the wholesaler or the retailer...


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I would be ticked off, but would be happy if all the equipment prices dropped by 30%. Equipment in this hobby is so incredibly overpriced.

As for livestock, I would be OK with it if captive reared specimines were not affected.



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Righty":2nw9627w said:
I have always felt weird with living things are processed to make money via the volume method. I also feel weird that we feel it is our right to have anything we want, and for those things to be cheap. I think animals should cost more, but I also think gas should be at least 5 bucks a gallon.

Then move to Europe. I am sure that we could pitch in and get you a one-way ticket. ;) You and Rosie O'Donnel, Robert Altman, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Cher, Eddie Vedder, Kim Basinger could all live in a cozy cottage together! ;) ;)



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If you are gonna buy 1 way, frist class tickets for all those people, why don't you just pay a little more for gas and we'll all stay here?


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