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Al Hobby

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I can't take my reef down at this time and have my tank drilled. My overflow broke last night and I need suggestions for a good overflow that will handle about 600-800 GPH. I would prefer not to have one that requires a powerhead to keep the siphon going. Any suggestions would be helpful.


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did u check ur LFS? mine store has a triple tube overflow that ive seen all over the city...check that out


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My overflow box is still working but I would also like to get replacement that does not require a powerhead to keep the siphon. Please let me know if you find a good replacement for a good price!


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Have y'all seen this link?

http://members.iinet.net.au/~conquest/a ... iphon.html

I don't think any commercial overflow siphon boxes do this. If you implement something like this, the only way your siphon breaks is if you get bubbles in your siphon tube. It won't break with a power outage. It should be fairly easy to modify a commercial overflow box to look like this.

I'm speculating that if you plumb in your powerhead venturi (suction side) on the suction check valve, you'll prevent bubbles from ever getting trapped in the U-tube.

Al Hobby

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The only LFS that carries reef supplies went belly-up about a month ago. The closest store that I know of is about a 2 hour drive and I won't be able to go there till next weekend.

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