M Mekinnik Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Dec 18, 2003 #1 I would like any help in Identify my manderin goby's sex? How do I tell what sex it is??
A Aff Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Dec 18, 2003 #2 A male will have a very long first dorsal spine. Usually it will keep the spine flat down on it's back on one side of the dorsal fin. Unless it gets mad (ie: sees it's reflection ), then it will raise the spine to make it earlier to see.
A male will have a very long first dorsal spine. Usually it will keep the spine flat down on it's back on one side of the dorsal fin. Unless it gets mad (ie: sees it's reflection ), then it will raise the spine to make it earlier to see.
S Supergenius74 Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Dec 19, 2003 #3 mine does that all the time when it sees me or its reflection. cool so i guess mine is a male.